Friday, May 31, 2019
Elizabethan Drama as a Mirror :: Plays Literature Essays
A. How God hath dealt with some of our countrymen your ancestors, for sundry vices not yet left, this book named A Mirror for Magistrates can shew which therefore I humbly offer unto your Honors, be chanceching you to accept it favorably. For here as in a looking glass, you shall see (if any vice be in you) how the like hath been punished in other heretofore, whereby, admonished, I trust it will be a good spring to move you to the sooner amendment.William Baldwin, A Mirror for Magistrates (1559) B. In Playes, all cosonages, all cunning drifts ouer guylded with outward holinesse, all strategems of warre, all the cankerwormes that breede on the rust of peace, ar more or less lieuely anatomizd they shew the ill successe of treason, the fall of hastie climbers, the wretched end of vsurpers, the miserie of ciuill dissention, and how iust God is euermore in punishing of murther. And to proue euery one of these allegations, could I propound the circumstances of this play and that pl ay ... they are sower pils of reprehension, wrapt vp in sweete words ... and as for corrupting prentices when they come, thats false for no Play they haue, encourageth any man to tumults or rebellion, but layes before such the halter and the gallowes or praiseth or approoueth pride, lust, whoredome, prodigalitie, or drunkennes, but beates them downe vtterly.doubting Thomas Nashe, Pierce Penilesse (1592) C. 0 London, mayden of the misstresse Ile,Wrapt in the foldes and swathing cloutes of shameIn thee more sinnes then Niniuie containes,Contempt of God, dispight of reuerend age.Neglect of law, desire to wrong the pooreCorrpution, whordome, drunkennesse, and pride.Swolne are thy browes with impudence and shame.0 proud adulterous glorie of the West,The neighbors burn, yet doest railway yard feare no fireThy Preachers crie, yet doest thou stop thine eares.The larum rings, yet sleepest thou secure.London awake, for feare the Lord do frowne,I set a looking Glasse before thine eyes.0 turne, 0 turne, with weeping to the LordRepend 0 LondonThomas Lodge and Robert Green, A Looking Glass for London and England (1590), lines 2388-2404 D. Suit the action to the word, the word to the action with this special observance, that you overstep not the modesty of nature for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as twere, the mirror up to nature to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the precise age and body of the time his form and pressure.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Athleticism Essay -- Sports, Politics
When I think about the foul athlete I experience both pride and discomfort. In the States where pitch-dark people are still governmentally and economically disenfranchised, it appears that athleticism is the realm where black people excel and dominate. The discomfort comes from the observation that domination is but viable when the black male consistency is harnessed in a way that doesnt challenge white supremacy in other arenas (Collins, 2005). His body is controlled by contracts of powerful owners, regulated by standardized rules and by-laws from sporting associations and placed in physical spaces where his bodily performance is a spectacle for largely white audiences. thither is something historic and normal about the sporting performance that has at once, drawn me in and isolated me. I didnt quite know why. Ben Carringtons written report Race, Sport and Politics helps me to understand that these boundaries and meanings mark and define the black athlete and that they can be understood as sites of political struggle. From the onset, I was captivated by his careful and through analysis of various social frameworks in order to utilize sports as a lens to understand the intra relationship between racial discourse, the performance of sport, and the politics in making the black athlete. In this paper I will explore the various concepts and contentions Carrington discovers as they apply to black males while he tries to formulate a framework to understand the complexity of race and sport and the politics created therein. I will focus on the spot concepts essential to creating his theoretical framework specifically, the black athlete, the white colonial frame, and the sporting black Atlantic.The black athlete is a political entity and a global s... ...ind of black humanity. This actor performed feats of brute, physical, endurance, and natural prowess which would place him in a category of animalistic sub-humanity. The assumed all body and no mind position of many of the African Diaspora. However within the sanctuary of modern sport, these feats became exceptionally superhuman a show of raw masculinity and keen-sighted dexterity. As a political act, Johnsons defeat of his white component sent ripples thought the world and attacked the foundation on which the very system that subordinated him was built. victimization Carringtons sense of the sporting black Atlantic. We can fully understand the significance and ramification of this feat. We can come to understand the global implications of this win for black people and see Jacksons diasporic politicization and his rise as an anti white supremacist figure (p. 18).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Tom Sawyer Abroad Essay -- Essays Papers
Tom Sawyer AbroadIn Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer and Nat Parsons (who was postmaster of the village) always told to the highest degree the adventures they had been on. They were always assay to tell the best stories, so that the people of the town would listen and become interested in them. But Nat Parsons went to Washington and when he came back he told round the exciting things that happened. Soon Nat got all the peoples attention, and Tom became jealous and wanted to do more adventurous things than Nat so that he could tell stories about it. Not long after Toms longing for adventure, there was talk about a big hot air heave that was speedy across the ocean to Europe. A professor, who made the balloon, was going to ride in it. The balloon was coming to town, and Tom, his friend Huck Finn, and his black friend Jim just had to jar against it. They went to the edge of town and gazed at it with awe. Other people that had come to view the large balloon were laughing at the professor saying that a balloon could not fly across the ocean. Tom, Jim, and Huck climbed aboard the boat-like structure that was attached to the bottom of the balloon, so that they could take a better look at the profligate balloon. Suddenly the balloon took off in the air with them and the professor in it.Tom was very excited about this, and soon the professor taught him how to steer the mail and land it. The professor went crazy due to all the people making fun of him, and one night during a st...
Chemosynthesis :: essays research papers fc
IntroductionSynthesis is the process of producing a chemical compound usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds. For example, photosynthesis, the article photo means putting together with light. Photosynthesis is the process of converting sunlight into food for organic organisms such as plants. Photosynthesis is the basis of life for planet earth and without it not only would we not be able to produce the fruits and vegetables that we consume, but the food to feed the animals that we eat. Plants absorb this sunlight which in turn makes oxygen in a process called respiration. This delicate cycle is what allows us to thrive on this planet. Although much of the life on this planet relies on photosynthesis in one way or another, there is another form of synthesis that is equally as important, chemosynthesis.The deep sea is considered the largest, yet, least-known habitat on earth and covers about two-thirds of the earth. Every year, and every nosedive down to the mysterious d epths of the deep-sea bring scientist closer and closer to unraveling the secrets of the unimaginable deep. This is where chemosynthesis distinguishs place because there is no sunlight available in order for photosynthesis to take place.How hydrothermal vents workIn 1977, in the Galapagos Islands, the counterbalance hydrothermal vents were found. Using a submersible called the Alvin, scientist were able to explore this alien world never known to have existed for the first time. Hydrothermal vents are chimney like structures on the ocean floor that release extremely hot, mineral rich water. This process is called Hydrothermal Circulation. Ocean water seeps into the earth, becoming progressively hotter as it descends downward. As the water passes through the cracks of the earth, it is becoming enriched with metallic elements and minerals until finally turning to a very acidic fluid. When the super heated water reaches about 700&730F (400&730C), the fluid rises and bursts through cr acks in the sea floor. The super heated water mixing with the cold sea water causes a chemical reaction and forms particles of metal sulfide to cloud the water. The pieces of metal settle around the area of the crack, and over time, collect to form the chimneys of black smokers. One would assume that at the very riddle of the ocean, in 700&730F waters, that nothing could possibly exist here. Surprisingly, over 300 strange and unique species thrive only in these conditions.What lives near hydrothermal vents?
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Education and Egalitarianism in America :: American Education School Educators Essays
Education and Egalitarianism in America The American educator Horace Mann once said As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a hu humanskind being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated. Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their children their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. This process begins shortly afterwards birth, as parents seek to train the infant to behave as their culture demands. They soon, for instance, t each(prenominal) the child how to turn babbling sounds into language and, through example and precept, they campaign to instill in the child the attitudes, values, skills, and knowledge that will govern their offsprings behavior throughout later life. Schooling, or formal education, consists of experiences that are deliberately planned and apply to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and to help teach them how they should respond to choices. This education has been influenced by three important move of modern American society wisdom of the heart, egalitarianism, and practicality... the greatest of these, practicality. In the absence of written records, no one can be sure what education man first provided for his children. Most anthropologists believe, though, that the educational practices of prehistoric times were probably like those of primitive tribes in the 20th century, such as the Australian aborigines and the Aleuts. Formal development was probably given just before the childs initiation into adulthood -- the puberty rite -- and involved tribal customs and beliefs too complicated to be knowing by direct experience. Children learned most of the skills, duties, customs, and beliefs of the tribe through an informal apprenticeship -- by taking part in such adult activities as hunting, fishing, farming, toolmaking, and cooking. In such simple tribal societies, school was not a special pla ce... it was life itself. However, the educational process has changed over the decades, and it now vaguely represents what it was in past times, or even in early American society. While the schools that the colonists established in the 17th century in the New England, Southern, and Middle colonies differed from one another, each reflected a concept of schooling that had been left behind in Europe. Most poor children learned through apprenticeship and had no formal schooling at all. Those who did go to elementary school were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion.
Education and Egalitarianism in America :: American Education School Educators Essays
Education and Egalitarianism in America The American pedagogue Horace Mann once said As an apple is non in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated. Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their boorren their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. This process begins shortly after birth, as parents seek to train the infant to behave as their culture demands. They soon, for instance, discover the child how to turn babbling sounds into language and, through example and precept, they try to instill in the child the attitudes, values, skills, and knowledge that will govern their offsprings behavior throughout later(prenominal) life. Schooling, or formal education, consists of experiences that are deliberately planned and utilized to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and to help teach them how they should respon d to choices. This education has been influenced by three important parts of modern American society wisdom of the heart, egalitarianism, and practicality... the greatest of these, practicality. In the absence of written records, no one can be sure what education man first provided for his children. Most anthropologists believe, though, that the educational practices of prehistoric times were probably like those of primitive tribes in the 20th century, such as the Australian aborigines and the Aleuts. Formal instruction was probably given just before the childs initiation into adulthood -- the puberty rite -- and gnarled tribal customs and beliefs too complicated to be learn by direct experience. Children learned most of the skills, duties, customs, and beliefs of the tribe through an informal apprenticeship -- by victorious part in such adult activities as hunting, fishing, farming, toolmaking, and cooking. In such simple tribal societies, school was not a special place... it wa s life itself. However, the educational process has changed over the decades, and it now vaguely represents what it was in ancient times, or even in early American society. While the schools that the colonists established in the seventeenth century in the New England, Southern, and Middle colonies differed from one another, each reflected a concept of schooling that had been left behind in Europe. Most poor children learned through apprenticeship and had no formal schooling at all. Those who did go to elementary school were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Gravity Assignment
You will be helping Galileo perform the experiment to determine if objects with different mass egest at the same, or different, rates in the air and in a vacuum. Before you conduct your experiment, you need to form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a prediction of what you think will happen in the experiment. The hypothesis is a statement that describes if a certain set of circumstances are present thus there will be a specific result that will occur.Record your hypothesis here My hypothesis is that i think that the heavier ball will of all time drop first in the vacuumRecord the results from step one of the experiment (dropping the objects in the air) commencement exercise examination The big ball fell faster than the small ballSecond trial The small ball fell faster than the featherThird trial The big ball fell faster than the featherRecord the results from step two of the experiment (dropping the objects in a vacuum)First trial The feather and the small ball fritter away the show at the same timeSecond trialThe big ball and the small ball hit the ground at the same timeThird trial The bigger ball and the feather hit the ground at the exact same timeDid the experiment support your hypothesis? utilize the data from your experiment, describe why you believe your hypothesis was either proven or disproven. My hypothesis wasnt proven because all the objects regarless of weight and acceleration all hit the ground at the exact same rate and time.What sop ups were acting on the objects dropped in the air? What force was acting on the objects dropped in the vacuum? The force acting upon the objects dropped in the air was air resistance and gravity. The force acting upon the objects dropped in the vacuum was gravity only.Part two Comparing ForcesChoose two forces and compare and demarcation line these forces. You must provide two ways that they are alike and two ways that they are different. You may bring up a list, write in carve up form, or make a chart. The st rong nuclear is different from the weak nuclear because the strong nuclear holds an atoms nucleus together and a weak nuclear governs nuclear decay and radioactivity.Strong nuclear is the strongest of the four forces where as the weak nuclear is the stand by weakest of all four forces. There alike because they both have a short range of force and there particles and subatomic particles experience the same forceChoose two forces and compare and contrast these forces. These must be different forces than used in the prior question. Provide two ways that they are similar and two ways that they are different. You may make a list, write it out, or make a chart.Gravity is different from electro-magnetism because gravity is the attraction between objects with mass and electro-magnetismis the attraction or repulsion between electrically charged particles. Gravity is the weakest of the four forces and electro-magnetism is the second strongest of the four forces. there alike because they both have infinity range of force and they both attract forces
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Interpersonal Communication Com 200
Communication in social Relationships Benjamin M. Phelps COM 200 Mrs. Joyce Walther October 4, 2010 Communication in Interpersonal Relationships Today many muckle still lack the ability to communicate effectively with in interpersonal kinds. It is through cooperation and collaboration that effective confabulation occurs. By analyzing and studying the communication work on we endure improve our ability to communicate effectively between one a nonher. To have a successful interpersonal descent one must outset interact with others, which is c whollyed interpersonal communication (Hybels & Weaver, 2007).Recognizing emotions in other is a very chief(prenominal) first step to building a relationship. If you cant feel what someone else is feeling then you cant connect with them on a personal level and that can hinder your relationship process. Interpersonal communication is important because of the functions it achieves. Whenever we engage in communication with another person, we seek to gain information closely them. We besides give off information through a wide variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal communication has huge effects on many aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships.Speaking and telling our needs and wants verbally or non-verbally is a necessity for daily life. Verbal communication is organized by language non-verbal communication is not. to the highest degree of us sp revoke well-nigh 75 portion of our waking hours communicating our knowledge, thoughts, and ideas to others (Allis, 2002). However, most of us fail to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposed to the spontaneous and written forms. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, and positioning within groups.It may also include the way we strike our array or the silence we keep. In person-to-person communications our messages ar sent on two levels sim ultaneously. If the nonverbal cues and the spoken message argon incongruous, the flow of communication is hindered. Right or wrong, the receiver of the communication tends to base the intentions of the sender on the non- verbal cues one receives. Before a person makes an attempt to form an interpersonal relationship they must decide what attracts them to that person. in that location are many factors that make up attraction to others. Physical attraction, perceived gain, similarities, differences, and proximity are some of them (Hybels, 2007). Most mess are first attracted to others because of the way they look. Some flock might have distinct characteristics that one might be attracted to such as blues eyes, hapless hair, or even a small space between their teeth. If a person is not attracted to your appearance they are not likely to come up and carry on a conversation with you.For example, if an individual, who dislikes tattoos, is taking a class and has to choose a partner for a project, but there are only two people left and one of them has tattoos he or she leave behind mostly likely choose the individual without tattoos ,even if the person with tattoos is a very brilliant individual. There are many cases where we are attracted to someone because of the perceived gain associated them for example, one might become friends with an employee at a restaurant in forecast of having discounted meal when they eat there.The similarities and differences are a major factor in determining if the relationship will be right for you. Often we find ourselves attracted to people that share the same beliefs, values, and religion. Most people are also attracted to people who enjoy the same activities as they do. Contrary to the similarities people may also be attracted to the differences. For example, person who doesnt like making decisions might be attracted to a strong decision maker.Because these characteristics complement each other, they might help strengthen th e relationship (Hybels, 2007). Proximity is a valuable factor also when it comes to evaluating the pros and cons of a relationship. Proximity is the close contact that occurs when people share an experience such as at work, school, or play (Hybels, 2007). If a person does not want to have a long distance romantic relationship and their partner moves away to help college in another state, then it is most likely that the relationship will not last.Moving on to the future(a) steps of forming an interpersonal relationship would be our motives for communicating. We are motivated to form relationships for many different reasons such as, pleasure, affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation, control and health (Hybels, 2007). If an individual is motivated by pleasure he or she might secure want someone to go to the movies or discuss politics with. Maybe we might be motivated by affection many people are looking for someone to give them attention a pat on the back or a little kiss every now and then.Many marriages end in divorce because of the lack of affection from their partner, but if they could have communicated effectively to each other that they needed more affection the relationship might not have ended. No matter what might motivate us, once we have started developing a relationship we have to decide how much of our selves we want to fracture to the relationship and at what point in the relationship. Self- disclosure is a process in which one person tells another person something he or she would not reveal to just anyone (Hybels, 2007).Self-disclosure is not simply providing information to another person. Instead, scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or founder (Borchers, 1999). Self-disclosure involves risk and vulnerability on the part of the person sharing the information. Self-disclosure performs many functions. It is also a way of gaining information about another person. We want to be able to predict the thoughts and actions of people we know. Self-disclosure is one way to learn about how another person thinks and feels.Once one person engages in self-disclosure, it is implied that the other person will also disclose personal information. Mutual disclosure deepens trust in the relationships and helps both people understand each other more. You also feel go about yourself and your relationship when the other person accepts what you tell them. While self disclosure can strengthen a relationship it can also impairment it. A relationship can be damaged if the person you are pouring your soul out to do not like what they are auditory modality or if self-disclosure comes too early in a relationship it can be damaged.Thus, while self-disclosure is useful, it can also be damaging to a relationship. There are five different stages that we construct through while developing and strengthening our relationships, these are the advent together stages. No matter what type of r elationship it is romantic, platonic, or same gender relationship each kind still goes through each stages. The first stage is the initiating stage. The initiating stage is characterized by nervousness, caution, a arcminute of hesitation, and risk of being rejected (Hybels, 2007).Although one might proceed with caution, this stage can be very joyful experience and the outcomes can be great. Most people leave this stage with a new friend. The next stage is the experimenting stage. In this stage people make an effort to seek out general interest and experiences (Hybels, 2007). One might express a love for children and hopes of being a parent one day. This would be an important topic to discuss for a romantic relationship each person needs to be aware of what the future might hold for them if they continue with the relationship.When experimenting with each other by discussing important topics and seeing the reactions of other, one can make a valid decision based on their knowledge of the other person to continue the relationship to the next stage. The intensifying stage is the third stage that we go through. Self-disclosure becomes more rough-cut in the intensifying stage. The relationship becomes less formal and statements are made about the level of commitment each has to the relationship. In this stage individuals might have nick names for one another or inside jokes.A statement about attending a vacation next summer in France is an example of the commitment one might have for the relationship. But while self-disclosure becomes more common and makes the relationship stronger it can also make the participants vulnerable to each other. The integrating stage is the fourth stage. This is the point where personalities are beginning to merge people are expecting to see them together (Hybels, 2007). The individuals become a pair. They begin to do things together and, importantly, others come to see them as a pair.A shared relational identity also starts to form in this stage. By the end of this stage individuals should know how to communicate and responds with ease and understanding of the other persons feelings. The final stage of coming together is the bonding stage. At this point, the participants make some sort of commitment that announces their relationship to those around them (Hybels, 2007). Two girls friends might say they are now go around friends to announce their comment to their relationship or a couple might announce they are getting married or buying a stomach together.This stage involves a lot of commitment and dedication to the relationship and to each other. In all of the stages discussed we all have decision to make. We can either progress forward to the next stage, stay in the same stage we are in, move back a stage or exit the relationship all together. No matter what we as individuals choose to do we need to know how to communicate effectively to that next stage and we need to know how to handle struggle or resolve bo ut in our relationships.We can do this by conflict resolution, which is negotiating to find a solution to the conflict (Hybels, 2007). Depending on how a conflict is resolved it can produce a positive or negative result. For example if two sisters are fight over a dress to wear on the weekend, they have two choices one wear the dress and the other one does not, which leaves one sister unhappy (negative outcome) or neither of them wear it, so both are satisfied and neither of them are jealous of the other (positive outcome).It also helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution, where discussion is thoughtful and non-confrontational, and the heart of the matter is on issues rather than on individuals. If this is done, then, as long as people listen carefully and explore facts, issues and possible solutions properly, conflict can often be resolved effectively. In short, interpersonal communication is just like any other works of life, it must be practiced and utilised regul arly in order to be successful. We must continually analyze and study it in order to improve our ability to communicate effectively in relationships. That will lead to better relationships which lead to a better life, both personally and professionally.References Allis, R. (2002). Non-verbal Communication. Zeromillion. com. Retrieved kinsfolk 25, 2010, from http//www. zeromillion. com/business/management/non-verbal- communication. html Borchers, T. (1999). Interpersonal Communication. Allyn & Bacon. Retrieved September 22, 2010, from http//www. abacon. com/commstudies/interpersonal/interpersonal. html Hybels, S. , & Weaver, R. (2007). Communicating Effectively. New York McGraw-Hill
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Health Care Museum Essay
1. Public HealthAs stated by committal for the Study of the Future of Public Health Division of Health Care Services, Prior to the eighteenth century there was several(prenominal) epidemics of plague, cholera, and smallbox, which provoked sporadic in the normal eye(predicate) efforts to protect citizens in the face of a dread disease (1988, p.57). During the eighteenth century public health awareness and efforts service of processed disease to be seen through and through a new scope of human health conditions rather than a super natural effect that could be controlled through isolation of the ill and quarantine of flock who traveled. Many stack thought disease was contributed to poor moral or even a spiritual mediated factor that could be healed through prayer and/or meditation. Public Health has several improving factors amongst people in the United States.These improving factors include but are not trammel to hold backative measures of controlling infectious disease, immuni zations, safer and healthier foods, and a cleaner environment. Public health has helped decrease hospital infections and diseases from spreading in numerous ways. One classical contribution public health has implement is the reproduction of cash in ones chips airstream in hospitals and with food handling as well. By educating people about hand washing, it has decreased transmission of bacteria from spreading to patient to patient. Proper steps such as lathering hands with soap, rubbing hands together for 15 seconds, victimisation a clean paper towel to dry hands and lastly turning off water with a paper towel has help prevent transmission of multiple bacteria from spreading.2. PenicillinPenicillin was discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928. Dr. Alexander Fleming was a bacteriologist and discovered penicillin, a mold, when examining colonies of staph aureus on petri dishes in his laboratory. Upon examining the colonies of Staphylococcus aureus there where areas that did no t inhibit growth due to the Penicillin mold. This discovery was extremely important in history because it lead to the combat of infectious diseases. Penicillin was not utilize as an antibiotic until 1942. In 1942 Penicillin was used on its first patient who developed an infection after miscarrying. The clinical impact of penicillin was on a deep scale of events, it has lead to a wide scale of antibiotics that is used today. These same technologies became the model for the development and production of new types of bioproducts (i.e., anticancer agents, monoclonal antibodies, and industrial enzymes).The clinical impact of penicillin was large and immediate. By ushering in the widespread clinical use of antibiotics, penicillin was responsible for enabling the control of galore(postnominal) infectious diseases that had previously burdened mankind, with consequent impact on global population demographics. Moreover, the large cumulative public effect of the many new antibiotics and ne w bioproducts that were developed and commercialized on the foundation garment of the science and technology after penicillin demonstrates that penicillin had the greatest therapeutic impact event of all times (Kardos N, Demain Al)3. American rosy-cheeked tagThe American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton. Clara Barton visited Europe and heard about the Swiss-inspired Red Cross. When she returned home from her visit she campaigned for an American Red Cross and for ratification of the Geneva Convention defend the war-injured, which the United States ratified in 1882 (American The purpose of the American Red Cross is to aid in giving relief and to help service a culture medium communication between the American armed forces and their families. During World War II, the American Red Cross initiated a national blood program that obtained over 13.3 meg pints of blood for the armed forces. The American Red Cross has a huge impact nation wide and with the United States.The American Red Cross responds to aiding in major disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wars. Their response system overly educates in nutrition,accident prevention, home care for the sick, safety training, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education along with emotional care and support during disasters. One of the major contributing factors of the American Red Cross is its blood program. Its blood program supplies more(prenominal) than 40 percent of the blood products in the United States (American Cross, 2014). Many hospitals and health care facilities acquire their blood products from the American Red Cross to transfuse into their patients, which has protected thousands of lives.4. CPRCPR was developed in the 1700 to save the lives of drowning victims. Over a hundred years later, in 1891, Dr. Friedrich Maass performed the first documented chest compressions on a human. In 1960, a group of resuscitation pioneers, Drs. Peter Safar, James Jude, and William Bennett Kouw enhouven, combined mouth-to-mouth breathing with chest compressions to create Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, the lifesaving action we now call CPR (American rawness Association, 2014) CPR was once known to only be performed by people in the health care field. Today, there are more than 12 one thousand million people annually who are trained in CPR and advanced life support who certified to aid in rescuing lives. CPR has increased the natural selection rate of patients who are in emergent cardiac arrest. According to the American Heart Association, nearly 383,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur annually out of the hospital, and 88 percent of sudden cardiac arrests occur at home5. MEDICAREIn 1965 President Johnson signed into law the Medicare program. The Medicare program was put into place due to several Americans over 65 who were unable to obtain medical insurance. There were numerous factors leading to Americans not being able to have medical insurance. Some people were unable to pay for mystical insurance at the same time some employers do not offer medical insurance. According to the CMS (2013) on bump into 26, 1965 congressional leaders discussed the Medicare legislation plan. In this discussion it was stated that every American over the age of 65 will be guaranteed comprehensive hospital medical protection for the rest of their life. For three dollars a month after he is 65, he also receives full coverage for medical, surgical, and other fees whether he is in or out of the hospital (p. 10). Today Medicare serves a large population for theelderly and disabled individuals. Theres several different types of Medicare plans.There is a medical Medicare part a Medicare part B and the Medicare part C. Medicare part A and B is the original Medicare plans, Medicare advantage is part C and theres also a prescription drug program which is part D Medicare advantage part C and part D are offered by secret insurance companies. The wonderful thing about Medicare, is Medicare can be a supplement health insurance. Meaning that an individual can have a private health insurance such as Blue Cross or Blue Shield and in addition to that they can also have Medicare. For model if a patient has Blue Cross or Blue Shield that would be their primary insurance and Medicare would be their secondary insurance. Both insurances would be billed, divergence no out of pocket expenses for the patient.Our healthcare system evolves day by day. With new innovation and technology enhancements our healthcare delivery system has empowered us to provide the utmost quality of care. Form the public health system taking the preventative measures of controlling infectious disease is with the education of hand washing skills to the development of antibiotics. Penicillin paved the way for curing infections, thus improving life expectancy. Penicillin was first antibiotic to be used on a human being, and has also enabled scientists to develop and produce different types of ne w antibiotics. The introduction of cardio pulmonary resuscitation helps save lives every day, whether the patient be in or out of the hospital setting. With the help of the American Red Cross educating and training thousands of people to perform CPR, CPR has increased the survival rate of many people who fall victim to the sudden cardiac arrest.Not only has the American Red Cross assisted in educating people on how to perform CPR but also has saved thousands of lives with its blood program. Its blood programs supplies 40% of the United States blood products, impacting the lives of individuals who need a blood transfusion as well as their loved ones. The American Red Cross has helped in aid relief efforts for major disasters and is a crucial link between families and the gird Forces. As a link between Armed Forces and families the American Red Cross facilitates the transportation of military men and women with the connection to their ill family member(s). As peoples life expectancy tends to increase many people who are 65 andover utilize the need for Medicare. Medicare pays for millions of senior citizens including those who are disabled. The healthcare system is a huge umbrella, where each part functions as a whole, one cannot function without the other.ReferencesAmerican Heart Association. (2014). CPR Statistics. Retrieved fromhttp// Red Cross. (2014). A Brief storey of the American Red Cross. Retrieved fromhttp// for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2013).CMS History Project Presidents Speeches Table of Contents pdf. Retrieved fromhttp// for the Study of the Future of Public Health Division of Health Care Services.(1988). The future of public health. Washington, D.C. National Academy Press.Kardos N, Demain AL. (2011). Penic illin the medicine with the greatest impact on therapeuticoutcomes. NCBI. Retrieved from http// N, Demain AL.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Management – Swot Analysis (on Maker Studios of Youtube)
The Assignment (Question) Management paradigm today is on the whole approximately the contingency or situational approach based on the ever changing business environment. Organizations are uninterruptedly affected by the external environment and must adapt or influence the environment in gild to be in effect(p) and effective. Choose any international or local MNC or SME. Make a uprise analysis of this organization and explain how it is affected by the external environment. Write on how this organization can utilize the 4 functions of concern in order for it to be efficient and effective. Include conclusion and recommendations.You must use terms found within the study of management and are encouraged to look up various textbooks and journals to find these terms and to gain additional k right awayledge on management through exploration. Introduction of the caller-up If you were to be familiar with the functions of Youtube and do been surfriding the site for quite a while, you might look at heard of the confederation named nobleman Studios quite a bit. This company consists of major Youtube celebrities like ShayCarl, LisaNova, KassemG, iJustine and even the communicate subscribed Youtube subject area maker, RayWilliamJohnson.To the audience who uses Youtube for opposite functions such as how-to videos or music videos of their favourite stars, they might wonder, what does this company bringually do? On the sepa target hand, to people who afford shown much interest into killing mainstream television programmes with internet through Youtube would understand the major functions of Maker Studios. Maker Studios specifically is talented in creating videos of the two widely accepted genres Comedy and Music. They create filming sets, music studios, green screen areas and even an editing office for their employees in Venice, California and the coming(prenominal) New York City branch.As quoted from their website, it was menti matchlessd that they ingest 70 million subscribers and 650 million monthly views across more than 400 channels (Cited http//www. makerstudios. com/about/ ) and thus is one of the Youtube coadjutor Channels in the Internet Media Business in the States aside Vevo, the top partnership channel with more than 59, 709 thousand unique views in the year 2011 later on generating over 844 million videos in the site itself tally to Will Richmond on the 22nd of August 2011 on videonuze. com. (Cited http//videonuze. com/article/comscore-vevo-is-top-youtube-partner-channel-by-far) SWOT Analysis of the company Analysis Strength The strengths of Maker Studios is such that they gather all the talents throughout the internet media and sponsor them make their videos and find sponsorships and viewing audiencehip for their creations thus allowing people to fulfill their dreams even not having to worry about making a living. As quoted from one of their investments portfolio in greycroftpartners. om, the company has de veloped unique insights into what kind of content works trump with YouTube audiences and how to cross-promote and move audiences around its network (cited http//www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/maker-studios/), it thus supported the efficiency in catching up with the constantly shifting trends of the internet and intelligence in hiring talents into the company in its complicated business sector which attempts to forge deep connection with audiences all over the globe. Cited http//www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) Weakness An evident weakness of the company is such that they have limited branches (Venice and upcoming New York) reaching out to the content creators online thus only fitting to work with people in certain areas of the States. Anformer(a) is that on that point might be a high possibility of the competitors of this internet business catching up on the innovations that the company could have been roducing as there arent sack to b e any drastic programming changes this is about expanding on existing success, as quoted from causality Disneys Digital Divisions Executive at one time Chief Programming Officer of Maker, Chris Williams on variety. com. (Cited http//www. variety. com/article/VR1118052288) Opportunities The internet community is getting larger day by day and having Hollywood catching their midsection on the industrys productions once in a while is as well as creating more viewership for the audiences all over the world.For example, there are artistes looking for help from the Maker productions for causes which they hope to help and thus film videos like Jane Lynch (popular from Glee series) and Steven Tyler in ShayCarls video in attempt to Save The humanistic discipline (cited http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=IKzUZ7KvAnI=UU77WzpPRrYr0W5oeFjVIqwQ=1=plcp) or even being on the impertinentlys like ShayCarls 4th child, most commonly called Rocktard, who showed faced in a video did ( cited http//www. outube. com/watch? v=AyXsZJwzIrQ ), are opportunities to expansion of the companys network in creating bonds with the internet community through soldering in use of comments or video reactions or even simply joining the companys forces in using their talents thus creating opportunities not only for themselves scarce the companys in developing differentiated content through parvenue, personalised and innovated ideas that sometimes the television isnt cap adapted in providing for the audiences expectations. Threats Threats of the company consists of other major competitors such as VEVO (which generates content from famous celebrities or musicians) and promotes them on Youtube through main pages or dominated the rights towards usage of the contents such as music or even portions of the film.As rise up, the media is currently still competing with the traditional media such as television and even though they are probably even in front of them in the en tertainment sector but is beaten down (by people who did not know of the facts and begin cyber bullying the Youtubers content) due to mere fame and identification of the nine like LisaNovas impersonation of Sarah Palin. It was mentioned on nytimes. om that She uploaded her Palin video more than a week beforeTina Feydid her impersonation on Saturday Night Live. And that her response towards which was that trying to get on TV would be going backwards in my mind. Its a waste of time. (Cited http//www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? agewanted=all) A Macro-Environmental Analysis o Law and Politics Law and politics with the Maker Studios is not part of any problem that the company could be facing now as the company started up in 2006, they personalize their services to the creators and aid them through their specific earnings after creation. As well, they hire to produce their content (music, digital, filming and etc) in videos hence not entitled to copyright law bridging. o Economy On allthingsd. om it was state that, transparency towards their earnings is through and able to be checked by their partners hence they would be reliable to the investments of the money in their company as well as being honest to their employees in the functions and well-being of the organization. (Cited http//allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/) As this is an internet business, the company will be affected if the economy fails in terms of people being able to enjoy their productions or not thus earning them money.However, with this current upscale of the internet committee, the company is in safe hands through the advancement era. o Technology Technology is critical to the business. As it is one of the factors to which whether or not the audiences tune in because of the graphics, the quality of sound and the editing of the videos to the stunts in a film, the master keyism of sets, Makers standard of produ ctions as mentioned by nytimes. om was that the green screen, film crew, actors and expensive cameras and lights, it went far beyond the typical one-man YouTube videos filmed in a basement with a webcam hence, once again, reenforcement their constant follow-up with technology to suit the needs of their mass of talents who are eager to please their audience with great standards of film. (Cited http//www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? pagewanted=all ) o DemographicsAs the internet is more than common amongst people of almost all ages, Youtube contains a very much a wide amount of audience to capture and Maker managed to curb these differences with its gathered talents and their abilities to pursue different crowds. For example, they have The Moms View by mothers with different talents and background, catering and supporting to the vast amounts of parents in the internet community they also have Polipop, featuring Entertainment and Politics Network which is intended to give people who are interested a good express feelings at the political factors without having to move away from their computers. Cited http//www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/) o Social Issues and the Natural Environment The internet community is a fast-paced and dynamic environment for the business to survive in as there are constant evolvement of trends, updates or even jokes appealing to the vast society is one of the constant issues that the business should be updated about. But as the talents in the company increases from the 200 initial partners in August 2011 (cited http//www. variety. com/article/VR1118040686? efCatId=1009), they get more and more efficient in finding out and dispersing their information as well as being an influence in creating trends for people to follow. An example could be the Super abide by Challenge in 2008 (cited http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=v6kaSqGjbk8 ) where several Youtube personalities suc h as iJustine, Smosh, Rhett as well as ShayCarl and many other Youtubers hosted, encouraging their viewers to daub video responses featuring the longest note that they could make (in terms of time) and hence creating a bond and an interest into watching updates of the challenge constantly.As for their efforts in reminding the audiences in saving the environment, Maker Studios also took part in the Ecomagination Challenge Tag Your Green hosted by GE and they produced videos of their forte in efforts of it. For example, DaveDays, as a musician, wrote a song in reminder of people to Turn Off The Lights (cited http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw ) and ShayCarl brought his children out for a hike while talking to them about recycling and also taught them about the environment (cited http//www. youtube. com/watch? =dAiCGkRoowo=fvst ) thus showing the viewers that they, too, show an example in doing good for the environment. The Competitive Environment Analysis of the company o couple Firms Rival firms such as VEVO, Machinima. com, blip, Revision3 Internet Television could give threat to the company in terms of their partnership with Youtube and their stand and sponsor to events such as VidCon, DigiTour but the transparency of Makers finance gives it a high competitive advantage to win over more talents and variety to channels instead of mere technology and games for which other companies wins at. New Entrants New entrants might find it difficult to sustain without funding in this sector of business as the expectations of viewers are constantly increasing and thus they might, in the end, need help from major firms such as Maker to help them produce films for their channels or get bought over in view of profits. o Customers Maker, as a company which helps one-man video producers find a team to build up his channel, does not call their clients partners and instead, call them partners.So as they proceed on with their moving-image business, the channel owner s have full power over their videos and Maker only act as a service provider as well as an opportunity seeker for the Youtuber himself. The bargaining power for customers only lies in the percentage of the money which they receive from the advertisements that Maker could get in return and it was also mentioned in the terms and conditions of the Makers contract that this factor would be personalized as according to the client himself. o Substitutes and ComplimentsSubstitutes of Maker would be as valid as the fact that MySpace managed to take over Xanga and Facebook over MySpace. Therefore, it still contains a possibility where Youtube could be substituted by upcoming new video hosting websites online that might turn into a hit overnight like Facebook. On the other hand, like how a replenishing act could aid the sales of the original product, the compliments of Maker is definitely its networking in the Youtube community as they introduce each other on their videos and hence creating t he acknowledgement of each other through their channels.Like for example how LisaNova introduced KassemG on her channel by impersonating his comedy and giving people a pre-show towards how Kassems humor will be like on his channels and directing people to watch his videos. (Cited http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg) o Suppliers The suppliers to produce such films on a daily base of operations at such large quantities is the talents for which the company hires and other than the Disneys former Executive of the Digital Division, Chris Williams, it is also proven true that they have hired Courtney Holt, the former president of MySpace Music as their COO on hollywoodreporter. com. (Cited http//www. ollywoodreporter. com/news/courtney-holt-myspace-music-president-255341) This thus proved their high recognition and high expectations in their talents to hire hence providing professional content for the online viewers. In relation through application, to what extent planning, orga nizing, leading and controlling can be applied to the company In relation to application of the management of the company, the company would have to define fixed and strictly accomplishing goals to achieve in terms of the number of views, unique viewership count, the creation of new content as well as the amount of videos to be produced in a business year.However, it might be difficult to manage with the ongoing trends like Hunger Games, Justin Biebers new album or even some new celeb-gossip going around in the world of entertainment. Therefore, constant monitoring of progress is needed and more than sponsor updating about movement of internet community is important for the growth of the company to expand on their current business in terms of reporting and audiences capturing.As well, it is important to have organized teams or crews on a specific project or channel dedicated to the advancements which is their current system now. With her interview on tubefilter. com, Makers found er, Lisa Donovan mentioned that the model of Maker is comparable to the company United Artists back in 1919, first led by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and many other artists where it is the first talent-led studio (cited http//www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/).For example, the fixed team whose professionalism is in that particular genre of film, would be sent to RayWilliamJohnsons Equals Three and Your Favourite Martian would have separately a music team, digital team as well as a team which, at the set, helps him with the humor content for which is going to be in his film. With such a unique form of business, the company requires a tall organization which has narrow span of control over the employees and manager rate as they would work in small teams in order to be efficient and effective in discussion and production.It would also thus have to be decentralized, where the employees are able to freely share creative ideas just like in Google, the unformalized manner o f generating imaginative content. This would thus allow the company to be able to constantly be attentive to minute matters which might affect the companys originality competitive advantage as compared to the rival firms. General Conclusions Maker is one of the very few companies around the globe, for which looks at talents in a manner that some companies would not be able to cherish.Even in one of their interviews, they mentioned to even have a criteria for joining in their firm When I am meeting talent, the first thing I want to know is, how committed are they to it? said Lisa Donovan to Daniel Miller of hollywoodreporter. com. (Cited http//www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) Therefore, their accomplishments not only as a firm, but as a big family with similar goals (not only because their own family is associated in the videos) just as ShayCarl have mentioned in one of his videos, is what they have built up and grown together over the years along with the You tube creators fame.Recommendations for the company in the next 5 years As much as the company has accomplished throughout the years, not only expanding on their own success, they have also managed to raise funds with investments as well as convert television celebrities into internet sensations just like Bobby Lee of MADtv having his own channel and being to do crazy things like he would in his previous shows as well as entertain people without having to worry about the technicalities. (Cited http//www. tubefilter. om/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ ) Therefore, in hopes that the new SONY internet-television could allow people to be in touch with their desired genre of film, Maker should create even higher viewership through making internet-original movies with their professionalism and make the bonding with audiences into even better sensations through movies and interactive comments thus improving themselves thus far. Reference List Bladwin, D. , October 29th, 201 2, Maker Studios Scores Three Channel Deal with Youtube Originals, http//www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/ Bladwin, D. , January 30th, 2012, Maker Studios Reboots The Station With Bobby Lee, http//www. tubefilter. com/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ DaveDays, October 31st, 2010, Dave Days Turn Off The Lights (Music Video), http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw Grey Croft Partners Investors Portfolio, April 15th, 2012, Maker Studios, http//www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/maker-studios/ Hustvedt, M. , April 21st, 2011, Maker Studios Raises $1. 5M For Creator-Founded YouTube Studio, http//www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/ Kafka, P. attest 9th, 2012, Exactly How Much Did That Skateboarding Dog Earn? , http//allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/ Lamp4137s Youtube Channel, June 30th, 2011, Rocktard On Some Weird Local News Thing, http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=AyXsZ JwzIrQ (Original Shaytards) Excited nipper http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=JrKT4eYHwiM LisaNova, November 17th, 2010, Tripping Bros (LisaNova does KassemG UNCUT), http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg Maker Studios (About Maker), April 15th, 2012, http//www. makerstudios. com/about/
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Black on Black Crime Essay
Undeniably, stereotyping has always been rampant in our society. These stereotyping may either be through gender, age, crease and the most popular of all, perhapsrace. Part of stereotyping is associating a original group of people to whether good or bad demeanor. And perhaps, almost known to all is the black-on-black shame. This cordial of crime is usually pushed to happen due to the prejudice of the society. As grisly Americans be subjected to discrimination and injustice, black-on-black crimes be most likely to occur.Black-on-black crimes argon the kind of crimes which are committed on Blacks with their fellow Blacks as the offenders. At present, the African Americans remain more segregated that any other racial group in the world. around of them even experience residential isolation (Quillian, 1999). Past studies show that white flight or the avoidance of white is the main reason of racial discrimination. spot in that location are only 12 percent African American livi ng in the United States, 45 percent of the victims of murder in category 2002 besides come from them 91 percent of them are killed by their fellow Black Americans.Statistics show that homicide tops the list of the leading causes of death among Black men, epoch suicide in landed on the second notch on the causes of death among Black women aged 15-24 (Greaves). These figures or statistics, of course, are just a reflectivity of social reality. Racial discrimination, though not as rampant in the past decades still hounds out society that is a great factor grant to the crime rate among Black Americans. BLACK-ON-BLACK abhorrence pageboy2 Prior ResearchDespite the societys eventual tolerance on racial differences, there are still studies that show that whites do not prefer in places where there are a upsurge of African Americans thriving in. In a research check conducted, most of the white Americans who were asked in the survey said they prefer living in a community where the pop ulation of African American is less than 30 percent. (Clark) Studies showing the trends of mobility actually show that neighborhoods or communities with relatively racy population of Black families lease the tendency to have a collapsedpopulation of white families (Quillian 1999). This means that white Americans tend to move out the place if it is more dominant of the black Americans. In the long run, these neighborhoods would be prevail fully by black Americans. Perceptions on Crime Empirical studies were never in reality enough to back up the perception of neighborhoods and communities about crime. There are no really a significant number of studies which focus on the black-on-black crimes. But then there are two main factors that are believed to ascertain the perception of a neighborhood towards crime.First is the observable characteristic which is the neighborhoods racial composition. In the United States, for example, most of the neighborhoods or communities can be categor ized into either dominant of blacks or dominant of whites. Factors like economic class where an exclusive belong is not easy to gauge based on physical characteristic. BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME PAGE3 The second factor would be the stereotypes that relate a certain group of people with crime. An example of this would be the African-American or the Blacks who are often associated with rampant crimes known by all Americans (Devine and Elliot 1995).Studies furthered that information that are consistently seen are stereotypes are most likely to be noticed or remembered by people than those information stereotypes that are not usually used (Robert, Evans, and Fulero1979). Stereotypes may withal lead to the salience of the stereotypes which are associating certain groups of people on committing crimes. Thus, media reports would most likely to focus on news reports that are guilty of stereotyping. These kinds of media reports reinforce the association of crime and race in the minds of the peop le, or to be specific, to the mind of the audience. CausesDivergent to the common notion that racism or discrimination is the main cause of black-on-black crime, there are actually a lot of factors causing the perpetuation of such crimes. Racism or discrimination is not the sole reason for the existence of evil attitudes. Among of them urging evil attitudes are high rates of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and births, abortions, child abuse, and blue families that continually hound the different black communities. Empirical data show that teenagers or the young adults are the ones who are usually involved in troubles, thus increasing their vulnerability to committing crimes.These data apply to Black Americans. But these figures cannot actually generalize all of the Black Americans. BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME PAGE4 In the case of Unites States, youngsters (or the Black Americans to be specific) are usually involved in peer groups some even call it gangtas. Majority of these kinds of groups a re said to be constantly involved in riots or rumbles mostly with their fellow teenagers and Black Americans. Teenagers are groups of peers who seem to act like a broken window which signals crime (Maxfield 1981).This most likely applies most likely to young black men (Anderson 1990) in neighborhoods with mixed racial inhabitants. Combating Black-on-Black Crimes The problem on black-on-black crime cannot be instantly resolved. The way towards the closure of this social problem would really entail a lot of efforts and factors. It may take years, decades or more for us to get over or to lessen the rate of black-on-black crimes. But then, if we are really determined to combat or at least lessen the figures of the particular of black-on-black crime, then, we will surely be successful in our aim.This plight is not just the plight of the Black Americans. Everyone is affected when Black-on-black crimes happenwhether directly or indirectly. As follows are the probable solutions that may a ddress the social plight on black-on-black crimes. Some may be too mundane for some, but it will contribute to the eradication of the problem. One of the main factors, perhaps, pushing the Blacks to commit crime against their fellow Blacks is their low self-esteem. We can avoid the Black on Black Crimes by bountiful them enough and proper education not only to the African-American children but also to the CaucasianBLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME PAGE5 children. It is because, the usual educational political program among schools, especially in the K-12 levels, is teaching that European descendants are the superior race while the Blacks are inferior. Another is investing and helping potential offenders. We should first identify who are the common groups of people are involved in black-on-black crimes. Researches show that black-on-black crimes usually happen among the youngsters. We should help them in overcoming their unpleasant behavior. Those behaviors are, in reality, brought about also by some social factors.There are certain problems within our society that need to be immediately addressed before we could completely reside in our problem on black-on-black crimes. More so, better law enforcement could also help in eradicating the problem on black-on-black crimes. Also this will not really guarantee that crimes will never happen again, this will ensure that there is a strict monitoring of what is happening in the society. But then, there should also be also respect on the Black offenders. They may be culpables, but they should still be treated as human.If offenders are immediately identified, there will be lesser crimes as the police or the authorities are faster in terms of solving the crime. Part and parcel of this solution is also the strict implementation of available laws. If authorities are not strict in implementing their own policies pertaining to crime, offenders will not be intimidated and repentant to commit any crimeswhether it is a black-on-black c rime or not. BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME PAGE6 And last but not the least, there should be community battle in fighting this social predicament. It is not just an issue of Blacks against Blacks.It is an issue concerning everyone. The Blacks should not be treated differently by the society. It is just the complexion that differs, anyway. In a study conducted by the clams Crime Factors and Neighborhood Decline in 1978, respondents were asked about their perception on the crimes that are happening in their community. The survey was done through a telephone survey involving 3300 household members in eight chosen community areas in Chicago. The communities were chosen in terms of their racial composition, property values, and crime rates. In each community, there were 400 household members chosen randomly.Based on the results, there is a significant association of racial composition to the respondents perception on the crimes in their neighborhood. As hypothesized, as a neighborhood has a hig her(prenominal) percentage of Black American inhabitants, the respondents have higher perceived rates on the crime rates within their community. The association of Black Americans with crime rate is both applicable to Black and White Americans, who are the respondents of the study. The survey conducted in Chicago just shows how the Black Americans are perceived by White Americans and even by their fellow Black Americans.They are associated with crimes. We have to break this particular stereotype than Black Americans would mean higher crime rate. Instead of world mere observers of this social plight, we do something to break this kind of problem. BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME PAGE7 Black-on-black crimes usually happen because of the treatment that the Black Americans get from the society. If we open about our racial differences, Black-on-black crimes would be lessenedat least. We would just usually smirk if we hear stories of crimes committed by Blacks on their fellow Blacks. Our mind set is that, we are not affected, anyway.Some even blame the Blacks alone for doing those criminal acts. We tend to forget that everything is connected to everything else. We tend also to wash our hands over the issue of Black-on-black crimes. We are unmindful that we have also our part on the perpetuation of these kinds of crimes. Conclusion The society is a very crucial factor towards the development of an individual. The environment is a vital determinant on what kind of individual one could be. How the society looks on a particular group of people usually reflect the demeanor of an individual within the group.For example, the case of the Black Americans is a clear manifestation of the societys prejudice. The salient issue that Black Americans are most likely to commit crimes against their fellow Black Americans affects the psychological being of the Blacks. In a nutshell, it is the society which is the main root of Black-on-black crimes. Ironically, it is also the society which will play the most important and most crucial part towards the outcome of this social plight. A society with open mind is what we need. A society that is void of prejudices, stereotypes, and judgment.By this, black-on-black crimes will be solved. Outline I. Introduction II. Overview of Black on Black Crimes A. Prior Researches B. Statistics C. Perceptions on Crime III. Causes of Black on black crimes IV. Combating Black on Black Crimes References Anderson, Elijah. Streetwise Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community. Chicago University of Chicago Press, 1990. Clark, William A. V. Residential Preferences and Neighborhood Racial Segregation A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model. Demography 28. 1 (1991) 1-19. Devine, P. G. and A. J. Elliot. Are Racial Stereotypes Really Fading?The Princeton Trilogy Revisited. reputation and Social Psychology Bulletin 21. 11 (1995) 1139-50. Diiulio, John. White Lies About Black Crime , 1995. Edwards, Jennifer. Black-on-Black Crime Increasing, Rep orts Say Cincy post May 12, 2001 2001 Greaves, Fielding. Black-on-Black Crime. The Coastal Post display 19, 1997 1997 Jones, Annie Lee. Black Crime, Black Victims. New York Times July 4, 1982 1982 Jones, R Jeneen. The Truth About Black Crime. 2003. Mason, Timothy. On Race and the Measurement of Crime. 2007. April 10, 2007. . Quillian, Devah Pager and Lincoln. Black Neighbors, high Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime. Trans. Center for Demography and Ecology. Meeting of the Population Association of America in New York City. University of WisconsinMadison, 1999. Sik, Melched. Blacks on Black Crime. 2007 April 10, 2007 2007. http//www. zimbio. com/portal/RBG+Afrikan-+Centered+Cultural+Development+and+Education/blog/251. Wickham, DeWayne. Wheres the Outrage over Black-on-Black Killings? USA Today January 2,2007 2007
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Organizational Theories Essay
The modernness and post contemporaneousness vistas are unspoilt in the successful operation of Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart is one of the nigh successful geological formations with stores foreign and municipal making signifi bay windowt profits. Further, Wal-Mart applies both of the organizational perspectives for their advantages in areas such as power, structure, and technology. In addition, Wal-Mart utilizes modernism in the companies culture, roles, goals, ability to change, and conflict management. The two perspectives can are prerequisite for a come with to become warring in the retail marketplaces. Thus, the try out concludes that the postmodernism is more effective for organizational development of the two, for various kinds of business developments. Finally, Wal-Mart practices the modernism and post modernism perspective to have a competitive advantage.Organizational PerspectivesThe modernism and post modernism perspectives are beneficial in the successful operation of Wal-Mart retail stores. Wal-Mart is one of the most successful companies with stores located both foreign and domestic accumulating significant profits. Furthermore, Wal-Mart utilizes both of the organizational perspectives for their advantages in areas such as power, structure, and technology. In addition, Wal-Mart practices modernism and postmodernism in the companies culture, roles, goals, ability to change, and conflict management.The two organizational apostrophizees are necessary for a alliance to become competitive in the retail markets. Thus, the evidence suggest that the postmodernism is more effective for organizational development of the two, for various types of business structures. Finally, Wal-Mart practices the modernism and post modernism perspective for a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the practice of successful modernism and postmodernism perspectives has caused Wal-Mart to become a retail leader. The modernism and post modernism applies strategies that h as allowed the company to surpass their competition. Wal-Mart has developed substantial revenue within the recession to compensate their workers. In reference to Bruitt (2009)Wal-Mart had record sales in the fourth quarter, boosting revenue in the division through January by 7.2 per cent to $401.2 billion. Wal-Mart announced the funds after its labor practices have come under scrutiny in recent years(p.14). Unfortunately, when most companies have a lack of porfits during the recession Wal-Mart continues to increase financialy. The methods that are implemented in Wal-Marts success are beneficial for most retail operations to gain profits. According to Bahndari (2010) Wal-Mart followed two important guidelines, among others, while going global. First, that the foreign country where it would like to establish its stores-should be closer to the the U.S. Secondly, this county should have a larger consumer base. With those strategical guidelines (p.79).Therefore,organizations will have to be competitive to compete in the same market. The relationship to Walt-Marts success is influenced through there ability to succeeded in multiple cities in large and small markets. Almost all of Walt-Mart stores in the U.S. are made identical. In reference to Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) Modernist claim that I saw( heard, smelled, tasted, or touched) my data, and you can actualise them for yourself by replicating my procedures (p.15). Therefore, the replicating process has caused Wal-Mart to develop stores similar leading to the same results.In addition, the relation to the Postmodernism and Wal-Marts organizational theoretical concepts are among power. The authors Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) Many Postmodernist concepts pay themselves to uncovering and challenging all forms power (including familiarity) in order to expose the sources of domination that are so easily taken for granted p.16). The development of acquaintance can be helpful in allowing companies to become more powerfu l.The authors Geisner, Riddleberg, Chistener and Bell (2010) Business model innovation can provide significant opportunities both during periods of speedy economic growth and at times of turmoil. What is critical is to select the right type of business model given the economic environment and emerging market opportunities, and to address the internal factors that influence the organizations ability to pursue required change (p.17).In order for a business to become competitive it has to develop a strategy that is able to compete in various markets. Also,the post modernist perspective takes into consideration that an organization bases its self on power. A company that focuses on power through there organizational culture. According to Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) Many post modernist commit themselves to uncovering and challenging all forms of power (including knowledge ) in order to expose the sources that are so easily taken for granted.They do so by decrying the privileged and bringin g those people and ideas relegated to the margins (p.16). Therefore, and organization that prides itself on power builds a competitive organization. Most monopolistic business use power to operate their company have large corporations such as Wal-mart, and Microsoft.A business that applies power often will have significant control of the their market. In addition, the modernist perspective takes into consideration that their goal is to increase productivity.The application of a modernist perspective will rely mostly on applications technological advancements. In reference to the author Hacth and Cunliffe (2006) The modernist perspective focuses on the organization as an interdependent objective entity and takes a positive approach to to generating knowledge. Modernist organizations focus on how to increase efficiency, effectiveness and other objective indicators of application of theories related to structure and control (p.20). The use of knowledge is beneficial in the way an organ ization can increase profits in a a business. Equally important, the application of a proper management practices can cause an organization to reach their profit goals.The use of a postmodern approach within a company uses several methods that can be employ such as behavioral, cultural and technological. A business will have to understand the behaviors of their employees and how to increase their morale. Employees who work within a company and have a lack of motivation do not work at their full potentials. According to Adelson and Soloway (1985) one-on-one behavior, team behavior and organizational behavior. Analysis of studies on individual and team behavior in software development environments reveals the failure of existing tools in supporting team-based software development (p.1351). The evidence within the study represent that behavior methods can help increase product development. Business that worked with a lack of proper team cohesiveness had problems with effective soft ware development.According to Dawson (2006) organization recognizes that it must allow the auditors, outsourcers and business implementers the flexibility to use innovative, streamlined best practices when applicable through preparation for the Sarbenses-Oxdey assessment (p.157). Within a postmodern approach presents situation is evaluated to determine a strategy that help in the future for organizational development. Power Structure & Technology
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Volcanic Assignment
Melanie Brooke Yeakley 1. What is the myth from which volcanoes get their name? It comes from the little island of Vulcano in the Mediterranean Sea off Sicily. Centuries ago, the people living in this area believed that Vulcano was the chimney of the forge of Vulcanthe blacksmith of the Roman gods. They conceit that the hot lava fragments and clouds of dust erupting from Vulcano came from Vulcans forge as he beat out thunderbolts for Jupiter, king of the gods, and weapons for Mars, the god of war. 2. What is the battle between magma and lava? Molten rock below the surface of the Earth that rises in volcanic vents is known asmagma, but after it erupts from a volcano it is calledlava 3. What are the main types of volcanoes? cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. 4. The Hawaiian Islands are what type of volcano? How tall is Mauna Loa? Shield volcanoes 13,677 feet above sea level 5. What type of volcanoes are the most violent? Plinian 6. Are all eruption s alike? Describe the type of eruption of Mt. St Helens? No It involves the detonative ejection of relatively viscous lava, it can send ash and volcanic gas tens of miles into the air.The resulting ash side effect can affect large areas hundreds of miles downwind. Fast-moving deadly pyroclastic flows 7. The Pacific ring of Fire is an example of volcanoes that form at ___________ _____________. Plate boundary The Hawaiian Islands are examples of ____-________ ______________. Intra plate 8. What are some of the common methods used to consider volcanic related phenomena? Measurement of changes in the shape of the volcano Precise determination of the location and order of magnitude of earthquakes by a well-designed seismic network Measurement of changes in volcanic-gas typography and in magnetic knowledge domain 9.Go to intro to granite and play with the clickable map. This photo shows an excellent example of a phaneritic (coarse grained) texture. These type of textures form from th e slow alter of plutonic or intrusive ardent rocks. What is the pink mineral? Igneous rock potassium felspar 10. Why is granite like ice emollient? The analogy is humorous, but good. Both ice cream and granite buy the farm out as liquids which when cooled became solid, and both will melt again if the temperature gets hot enough. Bothice creamand granite become crystalline when they become solid. Part 2 Most of these questions can answered using your text. Chapter 6) 11. What two criteria are used to identify igneous rocks? Chemical content and grain size 12. What distinguishes mafic from felsic igneous rocks? (hint think close to chemistry) Felsic rocks have more quartz in them. Mafic rocks tend to contain magnesium-rich minerals like olivine and pyroxene. 13. What are three controls on the melting of rock material? Mineral composition, temperature, pressure 14. What are the architectonic settings associated with the formation of basaltic composition magmas? Basaltic compositio n magmas occur in oceanic hotspots where a mantle plume interacts with oceanic lithosphere. 5. What is the tectonic setting for the formation of intermediate composition magmas? Convergent boundaries 16. How would you distinguish between an intrusive and extrusive igneous rock? Intrusiveigneous rocks cooled below the surface of the planet, Extrusiverocks are formed from magma at or above the surface of the planet, 17. What is magmatic differentiation? The process by which chemically different igneous rocks, such as basalt and granite, can form from the same initial magma 18. Which volcanic hazard is the leading cause of death? (section 6. 8) suffocation as peopled breath hot gas and ash
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ho Chi Minh Puppeteer
Ho chi Minh Puppet or Leader? unite States presidents from Harry Truman to Richard Nixon were wrong to think that Ho Chi Minh and his followers were instruments to the Soviet Union or Chinese Communist. Many policies the hot seats made throughout the war proved that they never attempt to see Ho Chi Minh as anything else but communist and were convinced that they had to do every(prenominal)thing and anything to stop him from gaining any control over the unsophisticated of Vietnam.The Vietnam contend, specificall(a)y the unify States aid to France, agreements at the geneva Conference, and the election of 1956, are prime examples of how far American Presidential Administrations went to exclude themselves from their take Constitution to give themselves a blank check and continuous, unnecessary escalation for war. When I look at Communism I view it as a dictatorship, some ane more or less trying to control the people of the agricultural they have control over by pose fear in the eyes of the citizens and not allowing them to live a peaceful, independent life.With that said, yes, Ho claimed to be a Communist but I truly feel that his sole goal was to conquer the independence of the country of Vietnam from wrings trying to control it and give it back to his people, basically regulateing that Ho was a nationalist and communism was simply the most effective way to carry out his tasks. He followed the way of what the Trung Sisters wanted Vietnam to be and did everything in his power to give the What it is to be Vietnamese outlook to his people. The United States would view his ideology as only communism, arguing that nationalism was just a maneuver.United States involvement in Vietnam occurred within and because of the larger linguistic context of the Cold fight mingled with the United States and the Soviet Union. Immediately after World warfare II, tensions between the United States and USSR escalated. Ho needed the help from the Soviet Union to follow out his goals for Vietnam. He simply was not their puppet the Soviet Union helped fund the war for the Vietminh with supplies and ammunition but half the meter they made empty promises of what they would do to help.Truman feared that if Ho were to win the war, with his ties to the Soviet Union, he would establish a puppet state and the Soviets would ultimately control Vietnamese affairs. ( saucily World Encyclopedia) The Vietminh were not very militarily effective in the beginning of the war and only really harassed the French legions. China gained control over the Union borders which allowed unlimited support in terms of weapons and supplies to the Vietminh which transformed itself into a conventional army between dickens armies equipped with modern weapons supplied by the United States and the Soviet Union. 29) The idea of communist domination in southeastern Asia was all the United States needed to support France in containing communism. Gaining help from USSR and China was all Ho could do to regain Vietnamese independence. He was feel for the bigger picture and if letter from him would have been answered whence the fancy process of him and a communist puppet would have never existed, nor would the assumption of the domino possibleness.It was completely and dead wrong, immature, foolish, and rude for President Truman to ignore the many garner Ho Chi Minh sent to him in 1945. How as the president of the most powerful country in the domain of a function just get handed letters over and over and continuously set them aside and allowed them to go unnoticed. Ho Chi Minh wrote eight letters to President Truman reminding him of the self-determination promises of the Atlantic Charter. He even sent one to the United Nations. Zinn) Within one of the letters that Ho Chi Minh sent he offered a deep-water port in Cam Ranh speak to be used as a military port, but still the letters were ignored. For years, Ho had tried to court the United States to support h im against the French, including supplying the U. S. with military intelligence about the Japanese during World War II. Whatever hopes Ho had for securing American care died in anticommunist paranoia. (20) The communism is not a disease its not like if you kiss someone communist you therefore become communist.This unfortunately is the ridiculous theory that Eisenhower came up with about countries trickling from one communist country to surrounding countries, to next thing having the entire world plagued with communism. After the fall of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, Eisenhower gave a dustup that would become a famous and important summary of United States Cold War policy. Eisenhower stated that the United States needed to contain the USSR at all locations for its neighbors to not become Communist. The theory was coined the domino theory.The Nationalist government of China fell to the Communist forces of Mao Zedong and this started to hurl the United States into deep paranoia and fear t hat Communists would take over the world and might even be plotting inscrutable operations in the United States. The U. S. policy makers began to see Vietnam as extremely important. If Vietnam was to be a united nation with Ho Chi Minh as its attracter and become a communist country then in logic to the domino theory all of Indochina would fall and maybe even Southeast Asian countries to communism.I dont believe that the small country of Vietnam, who was just trying to gain recognition as an independent country had that much power over its surrounding countries or even of the entire world. The popularity of Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh in both Northern and Southern Vietnam had U. S. leaders in fear that the free elections promised at the Geneva Conference to occur in 1956, would result in a unified, Communist Vietnam. (SparkNotes Editors) After WWII, President Truman set up, what I think, was a fair plan to stop colonialism throughout the world.In his State of the Union speech in October 1945, he stated that he believed 1) in the eventual return of sovereign rights and self-government to all peoples who have been deprived of them by force, 2) that all peoples who are prepared for self-government should be permitted to choose their own form of government by their own freely expressed choice, without interference from any foreign source, 3) the United States will refuse to recognize any government imposed upon any nation by the force of any foreign power. (Pamphlet No. , PILLARS OF PEACE) These are just some of the points within the twelve stated. Unfortunately, none of these points were real followed by the President, himself, or the United States. These points were mantic to end colonialism throughout the world after World War II, but when France asked the United States for help to continue their control and reign over Indochina, President Truman went very spontaneous. idolatry of communism was in his eyes and with the help of the USSR to Vietnam he did nt believe that there was any separate way.In May 1950, President Truman announced his decision to supply $15 million in military assistance to Indochina, but realistically just to French troops, to fight the Vietminh. (29) In order for France to fight this war without it looking like it was to gain control over a colony that they have already been fighting for, they specify it as a fight against Communism instead of a colonial war. Ho hated the French for what they had done to his country, but also hated the elite Vietnamese who enriched themselves at the expense of the poor peasants.The Vietnamese people were broken under French line up both prior to WWII and after. Truman in one workweek sent an abundance of supplies to the French and continued to do so for the next four years. Throughout the back up exceeding number of ammunition, weapons, tanks and other supplies were sent to both the French and Vietminh from the US and USSR and China. This resulted in the battle of Dienbi enphu. In 1954, the French planned on overtaking the out positioning of Dienbienphu in the mountains of northern Vietnam. Their idea was to take post in the center on these mountains and lure the Vietminh in.The Vietminh saw this strategy a mile away. They moved 40, 000 troops up into the mountains and conquered this territory. Even though there were more Vietnamese casualties than French, they had military brilliance and were more willing to a higher death toll then their enemies. (SparkNotes Editors) The victory over the French at Dienbienphu had show the triumph of Hos nationalism. (46) And the United States would later learn that no matter what is handed to the Vietminh they were spill to fight to the death for the independence of their country.I believe and have also heard and even read that if the election of 1956 had been held that possibly eighty percent of the population would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader rather than Chief of State Bao Dai. In A pril 1954, the worlds powers had met at Geneva to discuss Vietnam. Many arguments can be presented for the escalation of the war. One reason is the failure of the United States to adhere to provisions in the Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference on the Problem of Restoring Peace in Indo-China. In July 1954, it was persistent to divide the country in two at the 17th parallel.Bao Dai was to lead the south and Ho Chi Minh the north. The meeting also decided that in 1956 there would be an election in both the north and south to decide who would rule the whole country. The election would be supervised by neutral countries. This election did not take arrange and the split had become permanent by 1956. Ho Chi Minh was very liked by a great majority of the people in both North and South Vietnam and Boa Dai was just a puppet to the United States to carry out their commands and also was controlled very much by the corrupt harum-scarum Ngo Dinh Diem. Simkin) The United States and Diem refused to allow the 1956 elections to happen. Diem stated that it would only be a meaningful election on the condition that it was absolutely free. No communist was going to be democratically elected if the US had anything to say about it. All not allowing this election did was set the course of escalation to the war further in motion. I do not understand why we even needed to get involved. As Americans we believe in the right to vote and free election, that is exactly what Ho Chi Minh wanted but was denied by us, a democratic country. (rationalrevolution. et) The Vietnam was an unnecessary war because of the way America handled it. The countries or nations involved had nothing to with the United States and we were supposed to take a neutral role. When we didnt stay neutral the USSR and China stepped in and also helped. In Americas eyes that was only to spread communism, but truthfully we were no better and had every opportunity to stop this war and not allow it to escalate as it d id with our help. Vietnamese tale is the history of defense by outsiders and resistance to occupation when outsiders were temporarily successful. References VietnamWar. et, Educational, Entertainment, and Research Material Relevant to the Study of the Vietnam War http//www. vietnamwar. net Simkin, John (BA, MA, MPhil) Vietnam War http//www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/vietnam. html SparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on The Vietnam War (19451975). SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. Pamphlet No. 4, PILLARS OF PEACE. chairwoman TRUMANS NAVY DAY ADDRESS An excerpt dealing with Four Military Tasks and the Fundamentals of Foreign Policy, October 27, 1945. pages 136 and 137, create by the Book Department, Army Information School, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. May 1946 http//www. ibiblio. org/pha/policy/post-war/451027a. html rationalrevolution. net, The American involvement in Vietnam http//rationalrevolution. net/war/american_involvement_in_vietnam. htm, 2003 2007. Web. 2 0 Oct. 2007. Zinn, Howard. The Impossible Victory Vietnam excerpted from a Peoples History of the United States http//www. thirdworldtraveler. com/Zinn/Vietnam_PeoplesHx. html New World Encyclopedia Indochina_War_(1946-54) Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. http//www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Indochina_War_%281946-54%29. 2009. Web. 1 Dec. 2007
Sunday, May 19, 2019
It Is Better to Be the Eldest Child in a Family Than to Be the Youngest.
3. 01 vector sum and handlings for question 1 Diagram 1For heater student The pie chart higher up shows the partage of pasturagers betwixt the genders among Labuan Matriculation College(LMC) students. base on the pie chart, the highest green goddessr between genders is that male students with a percentage of 71%. While,smoker among female students was 29%,which is less than male students smoker in LMC. 3. 01 declaration and discussion for question 1 Diagram 2For not green goddess student. The pie chart above shows the percentage of students who do not smoke between gender in Labuan Matriculation College(LMC).establish on pie chart,available percent of male students who do not smoke are 61% and it was higher than the percentage of female students who do not smoke as much as 39% 3. 02 Result and discussions for question 2. Diagram 3 No of cigarettes stick that the student smoke per day. The pie chart above shows the metre of cigarettes that are taken by students who smoke i n a day. Based on the pie chart,the little amount of cigarettes taken by students who smoke in a day is the 4-6 sticks with the percentage 11. 76%. Further,students who smoke cigarettes 1-3 and 7-10 cigarettes a day is by 29. 1%. The most abundant amount of cigarettes taken by students who smoked in a day was more than than 10 sticks of cigarettes with a share of 29. 42%. 3. 03 Result and discussions for question 3. Diagram 4 Ammount of student washed-out per month to buy cigarettes. The pie chart above shows the total expenses of students who smoke to buy cigarettes in a month. lots as 29. 41% of the students who spend RM10-RM30 and RM40-RM60 to buy cigarettes in a month,and the percent was also the highest percentage to the amount of money spent by a students to buy cigarettes in a month time period.After that ,23. 53% of students spend RM70-RM100 and 17. 65% for students who spend their money to buy cigarettes by more than RM100 in a month. 3. 04 Result and discussion for quest ion 4. Diagram 5 What ones steping when following(a) to the person who is hummer. Based on the above pie chart, the chart shows the percentage of non-smokers ones findings when they are next to the person who is smoking, where 62. 5% of people feel angry when seated next to the person who is smoking a cigarette. By 8. 33% of people feel sad when you are on the side of people who smoke,and 12. % of those who do not feel anything when sitting next to the person who was smoking a cigarette, and the other is of 16. 67%. In conclusion,many people do not a equivalent(p) it when sitting next to the person who was smoking a cigarette. 3. 05 Result and discussion for question 5. Diagram 6 Student start smoking. The pie chart above shows the beginning where the majority of students start smoking at either levels of the institution. Highest percentage of students who start smoking is while in high school rate of 75%. Next,at 16. 67% of the students who started smoking when they were in p rimary school.At the college level,the percentage of students who started smoking in college is 8. 33%,the lowest percentage among the devil percentages above. Conclusion, many students start smoking when they are growing up that while in high school. 3. 06 Result and discussion for question 6. Diagram 7 The main factor of smoking among LMC student is very rubbishy cigarettes in Labuan. The pie chart above shows the percentage of the main factors of smoking among college students Labuan matriculation is a cheap set because cigarette smoking is one of the things that are not taxable in Labuan. The pie chart shows the total of 4. 7% of people who do not agree with these factors,and are not sure whether this factor is correct or not by 33. 33%. 62. 5% agreed with the statement that the price of cheap cigarettes smoking is a major factor,but from 62. 5%, only 37. 5% are totally agree somewhat the statement and the respite only agree. 3. 07 Result and discussion for question 7. Diag ram 8Actions that will be make when students who do not smoke saw students who are smoking. The pie chart above shows the action that will be done by students who do not smoke when he saw students smoking in Labuan Matriculation College.Ignore the students who smoke is the most frequent actions per figure of speeched by students with a share of 50%. Secondly, as much as 45. 83% of the students who give advice to students who smoke when bumped the students who smoke. Next, the action can also be done by the student when he saw the smoke in the college student is to report to the college. But only 17. 4% had done and 0% for the students who took part when he saw smoking in college students. In conclusion, many students who do not like to interfere when he saw smoking in college students. . 08 Result and discussion for question 8. Diagram 9 The factors that cause students smoking Figure 6 shows the percentage of the factors that cause Labuan matriculation college students smoking in t he form of a pie chart. Based on the diagram, students more influenced by their peers as much as 54. 67% of the students. A total of 25% of students who smoke on account of want to try something new. There are 16. 67% of the students who smoke to release tension and other factors is at 3. 66%. 3. 09 Result and discussion for question 9.Diagram 10 The Percentage of student who not smoke think that smokers are easily influenced by their friends. Based on diagram 10 above,the 50% of respondend rate yes that the smoker easily influenced by their friends. No student say no that the smoker not easily influenced by their friend and also 7. 5% unsure about the factors. Finally,42. 5% student not answer this questions. 3. 10 Result and discussion for question 10. Diagram 11Percentage of repond by student who smoke that they still want to continue smoking or not. Based on diagram above, 27. % student will continue smoking and 20% student will plosive consonant smoking . Finally, 52. 50% stu dent not answer the questions because they are not smoker. 3. 11 Result and discussion for question 11. Diagram 12Perception Labuan Matriculation Colleges student about smoking where smoking is good or not. Based on pie chart above,the pie shows the percentage of student perception about smoking is good or not ,52. 5% student say that smoking is not good for us and no student say that smoking are good. 47. 5% student not answer this question.
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