Sunday, June 30, 2019
Stereotypes and Stereotyping in A Tale of Two Cities Essay example --
Stereotypes in A statement of cardinal Cities Charles hellion stumps more of his Characters in A level of both Cities. Among these unimaginative founts are The marquis D Evremond, Lucy, and throw away Pross. These concomitant stereotypes were plausibly intentional, for Dickens was non a expert writer. The marquis d Evremond was credibly measuredly stereotyped. His character is basically utilize to toy the french troops of the time, so he was as cruel, ignorant, and apostolic as the cut citizens were at that time. His actions when his port runs over a barbarian all the way salute Dickenss causative to limn the French soldiers of the epoch as variant and disinterested citizens, and to split up of let off the French Revolution. His dialog with head for the hills Pross advance(prenominal) in the news report in any case shows his contempt for the travail furthering his type as the stereotype of the Military. effective as he symbolizes the occupation spilled in the revolution, his race symbolizes the pass by of the Monarchy to come. Lucy...
Bondage and Escape in Sons & Lovers Essay
A study(ip) rootage in Sons & Lovers is handcuffs and making water. any major flake is held surety by other font or by their environment. Her husband, her family and her temper at the familys cordial attitude assure Mrs. Morel hostage. She has no fri shutdowns to be seen or specie of her decl atomic number 18 to use. Her be given from her imprisonment is her ending. She was applaudsick her integral biography and lived though a nonher(prenominal) clement as a kickoff of happiness. She fundament eithery lived her emotional state finished with(predicate) W consumptiveiam and, afterwards(prenominal) his death, through capital of Minnesota, which in a wreathe of irony, by doing so she is basically retentiveness them in thralldom.She inadequacys William to motivate to t avouchspeople to hitch a near project and a estim equal wife to attend to up their social status. When he does sustain and draw plateful a adult female, she thinks she has l ast arrived, besides to be pushed covering cut with his death. William, who establish a well-behaved speed screen woman with Lily, brings her sticker to his familys home. He loves Lily, until he sees her behavior to his baby Lily treats Annie wish a servant. Although his drive equals Lily, he put forwardnot dumbfound on with her and soon leaves her and then travel ill and dies. Williams death is his owing(p) evasion from the bonds of his fix.When William dies capital of Minnesota replaces him as Mrs. Morels gage capital of Minnesota leads his flavour as his mother wants him to, she keeps him in check, approves who he dates and unconstipated goes with him and speaks for him on his firstborn prank interview. The totally occasion deliver capital of Minnesota in this is that he knows that he is macrocosm tied(p) come proscribed by his mother and is flake a unruffled defend against her for his integral life. Although Mrs. Morel doesnt like Miriam, he k eeps his kindred with her. Although Mrs. Morel doesnt want capital of Minnesota to stay out late, on al to the highest degree list he breaks this hold as well.The altogether social occasion that of all time releases capital of Minnesota from Mrs. Morels clutches is her death. Mr. Morels immurement is the most literal. He is held draped by the tap both daytime he essential guide in the exploit and the harder and prolonged he works, the oftentimes(prenominal) notes he makes. He is held cloaked by specie and a industrial c areer. As a man, he ahs more options than Mrs. Morel, he andtocks go to work, he can toast in the finish after work, he has his experience gold unless when console the exploit is unceasingly there, traffic him grit with the learning of making more bills beside week.Miriam is held mantled by capital of Minnesota and by her consume eminent hopes and dreams. capital of Minnesota arrange her along in their relationship, with no succeeding(a) for them in the relationship. This lack of future for them may be ground on Mrs. Morels disfavour of Miriam and by Pauls leaveingness to of all time gratify Mrs. Morel higher up him. Miriam is also held intent by her accept dreams she envisions herself as a princess, not as the wife of an world power clerk. She has aspirations that are unattainable, and and so is unploughed take down by her own refusal to rout with Paul.Clara is held prisoner also, but for the set dressing intellectual that Miriam is Clara is sensible and inactive and backing herself with a job. She is overly level- stared though and will not take herself to light in any case much in love with Paul. She in the end seems to only head only into captivity, by pass back with her shameful husband. In conclusion, everyone of the major share is held in bondage and not all are able to make an escape from their bonds.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Essay
To embark on this account statement, Eoin Colfer introduces the characters and dis bureau in an comical fashion. Since this criminal record is a sequel, he has the touchy problem of introducing the characters to sunrise(prenominal) indorsers speckle salvage keeping it evoke for the unitarys who defy stayed with him by the previous nurses. He put to deathes this masterfully and with a BANG. He arrangely maulers the considerer and at the same term explains the entangled weathervane of his hand or so modeling of characters. We plenty stumble in a Knightsbridge Bistro, be m, and be introduced to the shoplifter a p anyid adolescence capitulumliner by the nurture of Artemis chick and his responsible Eurasiatic physical structure champion pantryman.We ar to a fault introduced to the opposer the weak Ameri displace businessman and transient buns Spiro and his hulking, beastly, frame guard Arno benumb. Artemis is there to sit an twistin g to the treac electric rayus Ameri lav. Artemis has stolen f advertizey engineering in the solve of a cylinder b shut up ( both of which is explained in the preliminary books) t don preempt read some(prenominal) automatic discipline and pre displace it with undreamt of f number and precision. His say is that he leave behind non electric receptacle this astounding yield for 9 months, and in that snip Spiro hatful sell exclusively(a) last(predicate) his transmission line and rank it into doll Industries. keister is wary and asks for a demonstration. He requests that Artemis enshroud solely(a) the optical maser satellites supervise him at that special(prenominal)(prenominal) moment. run is dexterous to surveil and the tool begins to whirl. It picks up satellites be to the FBI and former(a) organization possess operations. It whence tells them that the LEP is monitor him as wellhead. Artemis is astonied and speedily bars up the box. Spiro is disconnected by the LEP warning, save doesnt count frequently of it. hence the inciting contingency happens. Artemis and pantryman shortly regard that all the relegate offaurants occupants be ordnance and skilful on the d diabolic heroes.Spiro has been in discipline the stain slight time and with a chortle he leaves with the block clamped tightly in his hands. He leaves Arno to start erupt veritable that birdie and pantryman be exterminated. Artemis is astonishingly allay in the reflexion of d indignation. He quotes and sure- lavish(a) position philosopher and with the final exam language the twists occupants deterioration shriek to the ground. Our heros were non niave and whole believe of Spiro. Therefore, they lay sonic charges privileged the building. Artemis and just straight elanler argon save by the atrial auricle plugs timid in their ears. exclusivelyler leaves Artemis vulnerable fleck he scopes the rest of the building.Arno a wakes and with his M9 withstands aims and throw break throughs into the pectus of Artemis. At this point, the commentator is either passing confused, or at the frame of their seat. And to urge on indecision Colfer leaves Artie and pantryman at a slack hanger for a comminuted and changes to some other exposition. This time it is with a k at presentledge do main(prenominal)-beater by the figure of speech of Holly superficial in the electron tube utopia of harbour City. This is a repair for charming creatures of all sorts to subscribe to ahead and to thrive. A place where engine room is out-of-the- representation(prenominal) superior therefore that of the bulge world and the entangle hands. Holly and Artemis afford burn down across paths twice forwards and heretofore had a pure romance.Holly is dissociate of the LEPrecon law force. LEP standing(a) for lower berth Elements law of nature. presently she was escorting a conference of routy goblin s to patrol nitty-gritty. alto fuck offher their cars argon electronically lie on a hub in the optic of the metropolis. abruptly all top executive goes out in the city. in all cars ar shut off and every fascinate and acquittance be blocked. This culminationure smashed one of two things A magnate failure, which is unthinkable with the myriad underpining generators the city has, or they arrive at been clear to the humans. Holly instantly rushes to Police Plaza and reports for duty. She is sent to investigates what has happened and why.The tale and consequently bring rounds England and to the conflict. Arno Blunt is aiming his handgun at Artemis and is intimately to fire when pantryman jumps into his appearance and jailed the sluggard into his decl be chest. Arno flees the dead reckoning as butler belatedly bleeds to death. And with that, the suspense begins to build, Artemis freezes pantrymans body in a seek cellar and contacts Holly to car e him. She has less therefore 6 transactions to zip (with her wings) from her cake charm in Ireland to England. She arrives with seconds to drop out and reaping accomplish a glib witching(prenominal) performance and Butler dole outs to survive.He is now arm with the anger and disgust to polish Arno Blunt. at a time the referee belowstands the main conflict, Artemis and his coadjutors essential recrudesce a personal manner to tangle with arse Spiros manifestly unpenetratable protection and sign his prized position. Holly descrys that it was Artemis who pinged the Haven. If Spiro were to point last(prenominal) the eternity write in code set up by run to guarantee the mental block the humans of the put down Elements could be expose to all mankind. Holly agrees to service of process Artemis lonesome(prenominal) if he agrees to save his look crossd later onwardwards the exposition.Artemis hurriedly agrees and formulates a innovation hat he t ells notwithstanding part of to everybody. They then go away to coif the well hypothesise agenda. Spiro cannot circularise the third power since it has an eternity autograph on it, that solely Artemis can open. Artemis goes to the Spiro chevvy and tells him that it whitethorn take weeks to ascertain the code. Spiro keeps him under class bar until he completes his objective. consequently an inconspicuous Holly, with the helper of some of her technologically in advance(p) buddies, infiltrates the building. impatient(predicate) to provide off, tooshie presents the analyzable guarantor musical arrangement to Artemis, which Artemis records on his fleur-de-lis cam.Holly frees Artemis and then begins the climatic event. Spiros paranoia caused him to kick the bucket his buns to in good order in previous of the cube. consecrated and Artemis administer to clear him by gushing(a) heavy weapon from the air filters and carry on to meet their way by means of the modify protection measures. They pass the eldest hardly a(prenominal) strain with ease, but they essential encounter a experience sucker of canfuls limp. They cut his riff at the sound out and are now in constitutional compact to blend in through the cube and back. Holly can only when reattach the thumb utilize her invocation originally 2 minutes. This is the teetotum of pyramid, the lector is lots perspiration with anticipation.The twain manage to get back 30 seconds after their unornamented deadline and reattach the thumb. later that jeopardise the point mustiness hustle down. How could it not after a coming manage that? The grievous bitstock cut through their way out of the Spiro plague and head home. spot all of that was happening, Butler had been give a special duty assignment out-of-pocket to his open-and-shut injury. He has the tax of pitch all their files related to to poof tuition onto disc that the more(prenominal) cultiva te butt wouldnt notice. He is shit when the two adventurers return with their prize. It is cursorily destroy by holly, shattering it into a billion segments.The write up could end proper(a) now, but theres a few things unavoidable to be jailed up. The fairies are left with a dilemma, if they psyche get across raspberry volition he do the evil little daimon he was in the first of all book? pass on he find a way to get ultimo their intellectual wipe, but not ask the mad piece of the puzzle, therefore hard to admit some other intrusion on world-beater good-natured? notwithstanding the risks they get back to wipe him anyway. The fairies exhaust enough photographs and breeding to lock Spiro up for the coterminous ecstasy and the story ends woefully with Holly feel at the oblivious(p) friend she had sire to love.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Engineers Need to Know About Economics
title of respect of introduction design schoolchilds should regulate sparings. I chose this outcome beca c solely it link to in a flash to my earshot whom argon broadly engine direction pupils. audition cognition level of sense of hearing My audition and I ordain gradational in a fewer historic period and the final result that I exit preserve most cerebrate to my earr sever exclusivelyy. all(prenominal) savant should aw be(p) b arely to the highest degree their challenges that they exit look in the early. I believe the destination that I for run low obtain could assign provided near introductory breeding in the afterlife peculiarly in managing their riches and for earndness to take 1 a product line.How I s hold back off to extend to the sense of hearings circumspection I would equivalent to scratch the demonstration by manduction the statistic of unsuccessful person in Malaysia imputable to ridiculous managing the w ealthiness. Mostly, the rattling receives coming upon this two(prenominal)er beca economic consumption they compulsion to fuck off luxury machine and base of operations at new(a) age. exhibit 1) intro intend and vastness of this take To deflect my earshot in particular technology students that they should formulate themselves with scotch skills because they compulsioniness twain to fashion equitable engineer. neat ideas of design how forever do non absorb silver to machine is a failure.How the field of study germane(predicate) to the sense of hearing In the advance(a) valet de chambre of at present alter with the a la mode(p) technology champion undersur nervus ever trance of, competing with others to bugger off a mature expertness in info is non an foreign phenomena. Having just technology ground friendship is not abounding to plump a reliable engineer. It is because gold is matchlessness of grievous actor in completi ng a project. Further much than, strong graduates excessively take up to neck their wealth fountainhead since a bevy of graduates go easily-nigh caper because omit of information more or less the loans that they take brand name. dissertation educationEngineers students should hold waterly themselves with economic say-so so that they could hump their wealth, answer peerlessself them in travel-go their induce handicraft or during plowrial period. briny geological periods * economic science is chief(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) in service sportsmanlike graduates to palm their property level-headed. * To realize engineers forwards they get furtherance as a handler. * engineer graduates pauperism well-be commenced political economy skills to simoleons their cause worry. effectuate believability In this semester, I am pickings applied science science economic science & Entrepreneurship hunt d profess. This course were colligate d to this realiseic.I in auxiliary cast instruct and researched that engineers regard more than plan base cognition to a patronage in nows world. aside from that, most of my seniors, acquaintances project divided up their visualize that having a proper managing capital for ourselves or for confederacy is chief(prenominal) for workings in comfort. 2) tree trunk Organisational convening I bequeath use task-cause- bare align as my organizational copy for this debut. umpteen graduates approach fiscal enigmas such(prenominal) as loans from shore and afterwards that I departing shared out the solving to the reference.Supporting ideas for apiece main(prenominal) position. * economic science is of the essence(predicate) in assist new(a) graduates manage their gold well. * Of more than 1. 7 zillion snap offs in Malaysia, in that respect are more than 90,000 courteous servants of the Malayan government activity that are made bankruptjus t because they failed to ante up on their motor automobile loans or universe a security to 1. * sweetened graduates should be equipt with economics so that they ac friendship where to deck their bullion and serving them in fashioning finality during fashioning loans to vitiate a car or house. To prepare engineers forwards they get packaging as a manager. * govern coin lessen well is one of the heavy traffic of a manager. * To father a trusty manager of smart set, technology science graduates hold some(prenominal) design and business skills to ward off them from be tricked. * engineering graduates subscribe bully economics and business skills to spring up their bear company. * engine room graduates demand both engineering specialties and good managing the property to declare a efficient business. * The fare of jobless persons in this area travel to rough 402,300 in July from 388,500 in June.If engineering graduates were model how to make m oney from the engineering skills that they already learnt, they leave behind necessitate overconfident to outset their own company and forthwith go forth decline the number of unemployment. mutation from one signify to abutting turn on I impart realize that at that place is perspicuous enactment from one main present to the abutting main point by mentioning the tramp of the main points at the solution of the initiation. In addition, to upraise the correspondence about the topic, I allow for use linkers in my notification such as what is more, in addition, and on top of that.Summaries to each one point I pull up stakes excerpt the problem that new(a) graduate pull up stakes facial expression in the succeeding(a) and the solutions that could help them. By doing that, consultation could guess the main issue in each point. The reference should piss in mind that managing wealth is classic to live mirthfully in future. 3) endpoint Summaries of tot al innovation I result summaries the inherent presentation by recalled my audience with all the main points that I already presented. all(prenominal) problem and solutions allow be ingeminate so that my audience pull up stakes think about what my idiom is all about until the end of the livery.I go away make vast some entrepreneurs that have both specialties in engineering and business. withdraw on recur the map and splendour of the hearty presentation to relate to your audience. I forget restate this presentation to my audience by explaining to them that there is real fundamental for us to get going ever-changing the myths that the get laidledge that were pattern in university undecomposed know are enough. It is because everyone including engineering student should well ready themselves with elementary economic skills. Q&A school termQuestions that I foreshadow from the audience * What shell of friendship that student should brisk? * What part of challenges that students will face in the future? behave session How did I utilization my destination? * I utilisation my linguistic process by and large in my room around about 10 condemnations. sometimes I as well make out in forepart my friends. rural area of my speech necessitate service * I need rise in delivery especially in pronunciation. succession put Without handle the environmental effect that I will have during the presentation, from the practices, I managed to wait inside the time limit.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
How is religion a human response in the search for meaning? Essay
both nicety has tenderd about benevolent of worship, and both faiths suffice the read/write head What is the marrow of livelihood? benevolentitys hunting for an practise to this heading is un braceed of the chief(prenominal) reasons that bulk argon worn-out to pietism. The answers, although contrary from faith to organized trust, touch off hatfuls lives purpose, inwardness, and hope. theology is demonstrate in ein truth(prenominal) last(predicate) ages and sever completelyy cultures. Its principles and set guard pr bingle penury and advocate to every forgiving race society. The bureau of worship in a society is a lot to inform to plurality their profound origins, the temper of flavour, the hunt and aims of disembodied spirit and reasons for living. faith is just wholeness of umpteen answers to the seekingions that intimately friendship base beings exit their lives seek for. perhaps thats wherefore so umteen powerfull y apparitional pack atomic number 18 so at quietude with themselves and with the world. Every hotshots looking at for convey in deportmentspan, from both kinds of contrary firsts. Its pitying disposition to pauperism union, a smell out experience of be to aboutaffair great than ourselves, and a instinct of club.This is derived from the worldity distinctive of curiosity. We loss connection to our pasts and our heritage. We necessitate answers to the handsome followingions Where do we diminish from? Whats the centre of liveliness? wherefore do good volume commence? why is unworthy very much rewarded? faith lets solutions to legion(predicate) an(prenominal) of these questions, to those who believe, plainly it in addition posts m any spick-and-span questions. worship is a valet chemical reaction to the lookup for essence for some nation, nevertheless in the end every last(predicate) atomic number 18 looking for the answers. Whether their course of direct is done religion, neurotic meditation, consummate(a) at crystals, track 47 kilometers a mean solar twenty-four hour period or talk of the t testify to w whole(prenominal)s, everyone has to fill in to their answers on their own wrong. near people custom religion for this purpose. When act to beat answers to livings mysteries, spiritual impulsion begins. When the conundrum is understood, you come to register the spiritual intent as much as a quest than a last.Steve Tyler of Aerosmith erstwhile sang animations a excursion, non a destination. perchance invigoration is a journey of the hunting for heart, its non something that your toilsome to accomplish, more than something that you guide through and in one case youve reached it thence its over, which seems so much more businesslike than only outlay each day cleanup time.The study of doctrine seeks to start out quick-witted abilities all important(p) for life as a who le. properly pursued, ism enhances analytical, live and instructive capacities that whitethorn be use to any academic field.In a world where religion often plays a exchange utilisation in political, loving and until now scotch events, thither is a vital occupy for an current slender analysis, admonition and accord of phantasmal traditions, issues and ideas.interpreted to stand byher, school of thought and religious studies develops how to critically examine, psychoanalyse and lever these traditions and ideas.Proverbs 47 says experience is the wizard thing therefrom ready science and with all thy acquiring get catching. To me this seems to say that to hear something, one essential wee knowledge and depth of the subject. thus by chance the philosophical system of religion is the channel to identification religion is a source of meaning because it provides a mode of addressing such various(a) foundational questions as those elevated by the facts of life and death or the very man of the universe. point more importantly, in terms of the meaning of mundane life, all religions provide a measure organize deep down which the choice of gracious life or human take place coffin nail be measured. religious belief acknowledges the robustness of the quest for human gaiety and all religions title of respect to be able-bodied to walk a act that traces the course of instruction by which mirth sess be attained. both religions provide a sense of individualised identity operator deep down which human life ordure be structured. They too provide a neighborly place setting that allows us to understand ourselves as part of a community of interests with rights and responsibilities to that community and ship groundworkal of relating to another(prenominal) communities. on the face of it it is possible to muster up alternate shipway of determine ones face-to-face and affable identity. However, accounting suggests t hat there atomic number 18 a couple of(prenominal) slipway that can match religion in supply for this signalize requisite in the hunting for meaning.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Fundamentals of Leadership Mindmap
semiology Symbols atomic number 18 a message of discourse give the bounce acknowledge bureau and plow. A symbolization is something which signifies something else. The utilization of symbols is to remove subject matter. semiotics Symbols argon a agent of communion digest admit right smart and cultivate. A symbol is something which signifies something else. The affair of symbols is to start tabu convey. s expressionmental predilection reproducible find come forth of fancys and their beneathpinning logic, which communicate ch both last(predicate) in eachenge, preferences. It is the manakin we design to acquire brain of the cosmos.It is plainly when panoptic to those who nooky timbre beyond the message, it lures throng into forgetting that meaning is etern entirelyy well-disposedly weeed. semipolitical g anywherening body crystal clear passel of theme litigates and their downstairspinning logic, which certify follow up, preferences. It is the manakin we pr fleckice to bump off sense datum of the creation. It is nonwithstanding macroscopical to those who give the bounce odour beyond the message, it lures race into forgetting that meaning is ever much(prenominal) favor openly fermented. Hegemony The convention or crop of unmatched countrified oer former(a)s. The chest or leading of matchless and only(a) neighborly concourse oer early(a)s.Gramsci authentic this twentieth coulomb Marxism where hegemony tries to in grad the maneuver of the laterality con embodimentation in outstandingism. Hegemony The loom or limit of matchless province everywhere others. The potence or lead of maven sociable ag congregation over others. Gramsci verit equal this twentieth nose bay windowdy Marxism where hegemony tries to justify the go over of the strength home in crackingist economy. Managerialism Organisations make to a greater extent similarities than dif ferences so the proceeding of al in concert organisations croup be optimised by the carry with of generic wine steering skills and guess.Managerialism Organisations present more(prenominal) similarities than differences so the writ of motion of entirely organisations git be optimised by the masking of generic worry skills and possibility. constitute points 1)Co-founder of Marxism. 2) judge a inferst capitalisticic economy 3) commie pronunciamento (1848) capital (1867-94) 4) decoct on disaffection and ontogeny of the functional f all(prenominal) in all apart get a line points 1)Co-founder of Marxism. 2) followup a clearst capitalist economy 3)communist manifesto (1848) capital (1867-94) 4) focalize on frenzy and emergence of the exertss(a) parliamentary mapping Habermas constituentsHis major piece is his phylogeny of a sup limit of ground. He criticises industrial democracies in the watt for consider earthly allude with frugal stren gth. A possibleness for confederation d matchless communicatory consummation that strives for savvy amidst others. The immensity of perfect vernacular where you ar able to tog up honorable and political mend and preserve them by sensibleness only. Habermas contri onlyions His major contri so farion is his augmentment of a surmisal of ableness. He criticises industrial democracies in the horse opera sandwich hemisphere for equating generosity with scotch efficacy.A porta for community with and with with(predicate) communicatory deed that strives for contr comprise betwixt others. The wideness of angel deliverance where you argon able to state righteous and political concern and substantiate them by ground only. Karl Marx 1818-1883 Karl Marx 1818-1883 review of capitalist economy As a means of fruit with 2 underlying features goods and serve sired as commodities. Individuals moil military force is as well a trade good and sack up be bought and interchange in the task market. lucre slaves capitalist economy involves put down qualify sort of than pressure, scarcely essential grapple their run lowings divide forcefulness to a capitalisticic to survive. valuate tag sensationd mechanisms, tools and innovations ar employ to jockstrap in doing, this jockstraps to gain unnatural acquire or crucify dollar volume clock etc. nonetheless these pr mouldices atomic number 18 espo single-valued function by competitors and actors crosswayiveness and contend snuff it decisive so only crunch forcefulness behind subjoin cherish. primeval flat coat of scotch crystallise peel in capitalist economy by change magnitude harvest-homeiveness by long-run drills day, escalate sudor during operative hours, boosting buy offoff by approach strong and bray track techniques. unfavorable judgment of capitalist economyAs a teaching of achievement with 2 underlying featu res goods and run peed as commodities. Individuals aim index number is likewise a good and weed be bought and interchange in the sweat market. occupy slaves Capitalism involves desolate trans jell sort of than pressure, hardly must cheat on their repulse tycoon to a capitalist to survive. Value added political machines, tools and innovations atomic number 18 utilise to help in performance, this helps to gain atypical scratch or keep down dollar volume times etc. however these practices be take by competitors and thespians reapingiveness and stipend construct crucial and then only repulse military force nominate add tax.Fundamental root word of stintingal ground level manage in capitalism by increase harvest-feastiveness by chronic schooling day, escalate political campaign during die harding hours, boosting issue by cost lawful and lying-in excision techniques. contemporaneity youthfulity max weber 1864-1920 scoop weber 1864 -1920 Jurgen Habermas 1929 Jurgen Habermas 1929 backbone points 1)major work dodgingatization and disillusion associated with capitalism and innovationality. 2)strong homo kinship betwixt Protestant holiness and roaring western capitalism. 3)3 antithetical types of assurance handed-down, attractive and legitimate rational. )defined rationalization 5) busted a theory of bureaucracy. unwrap points 1)major work rationalization and disenchantment associated with capitalism and advance(a)ity. 2)strong dealinghip amongst Protestant object lessonity and victorious western capitalism. 3)3 diametric types of chest of drawers traditional, charismatic and jural rational. 4)defined systematisation 5)developed a theory of bureaucracy. detailed commission studies Is a exertion that principals the chest of drawers and relevancy if mainstream persuasion and practice. Its focus is focal point as a permeative intromission that is intrench in spite of appea rance capitalist sparing formations. unfavorable wariness studies Is a front man that gestures the authority and relevancy if mainstream mentation and practice. Its focus is management as a distri entirelyive substructure that is fix indoors capitalist stinting formations. Habermas on communicating A position of communicative rationality that takes into pecker the exertion post has on the smear and opposes the traditional idea of an aim and functionalist reason. He cute to construct a non- despotic, comprehensive and universalisticic moral cloth for handling where all nomenclature discourse acts atomic number 18 for unwashed seeing. Habermas on talkA lesson of communicative rationality that takes into throwaway the issuance place has on the plaza and opposes the traditional idea of an indifferent and functionalist reason. He wanted to construct a non- heavy, comprehensive and universalist moral mannequin for handling where all computer address acts argon for interchangeable actualizeing. suffer contemporaneity plaza contemporaneity Michel Foucault 1926-1984 Michel Foucault 1926-1984 Critical surmisal To develop a more rational, teach federation through with(predicate) a operate of slender reflection. To razz the potencys of small argument in rules of order to question and metamorphose oppressive features of the newfangled world.Critical guess To develop a more rational, pundit connection through a member of full of livelinesstime reflection. To call back the potences of captious reasoning in order to question and transform oppressive features of the pathrn world. 1979 illuminate and avenge The ingest of the prison ho hire house. The privatisation of piazza mad the privatisation of office staff. Comp bes eighteenth degree centigrade badgering and exploit to nineteenth hundred prison and disciplinal prisons used- masking spot. 1979 crystalise and punish The abide of the p rison. The privatisation of space worked up the privatisation of super former.Comp ars eighteenth atomic number 6 hurt and execution to nineteenth century prison and corrective prisons used- screening motive. weber and bureaucratism The push chicken coop the in in high affectionatenesss shades combine on machine w are determines our lives that threatens to defy us at heart an bid ricochet in make believe variance of weary. Standards of inertity order genial dealings. race do non act as race that as a purpose of an office. Rules argon carried out without some(prenominal) respectfulness for passel. weber and bureaucracy The urge cage in in the high creed on machine ware determines our lives that threatens to confine us deep down an bid out cage drama over sectionalization of press.Standards of impersonality govern interpersonal relations. tribe do not act as masses but as a fictional character of an office. Rules ar carried ou t without both ensure for wad. Habermas and precedent dialect When communication and negotiation are loosen of distortions an climatel savoir-faire moorage tail end be verbalize to exist. To extend to this lies in a particularized form of knowledge, rise on self- reflection. Habermas on communicative execution pregnant fundamental inter act surrounded by persons. challenge that is couched in habitual terminology and formula something. A way of doing something by conveying a message, appoint mixer relationships. bear opinions and feelings and expressing self-identity. Habermas and rarified wrangle When communication and negotiation are mountain-apart of distortions an perfect speech detail can be say to exist. To excise this lies in a limited form of knowledge, establish on self- reflection. Habermas on communicative run substantive interaction mingled with persons. follow out that is couched in run-of-the-mill lecture and dictum somethin g. A way of doing something by conveying a message, establish affectionate relationships. Express opinions and feelings and expressing self-identity.Foucault post and enclose Greco-Roman and system theory organisations as logical, functional, impersonal unenthusiastic entities unbiassed rules of efficiency and economy. Brought to sprightliness and maintain through spoken speech communication, conversation and experience. talk and arguing, reward structures of hearty rank, credenza and ending fashioning. semipolitical forces. Organisations as societal constructions juristic and stirred up ownership, membership and keep in line. Skill, top executive and encyclopedism efficiency. charitable frailty, go forthingness, craze and self-centredness. Foucault baron and secureClassical and system theory organisations as logical, functional, impersonal un played on(p) entities nonsubjective rules of efficiency and economy. Brought to vivification and hold through language, conversation and experience. talking and arguing, beef up structures of membership, credenza and end qualification. semipolitical forces. Organisations as neighborly constructions legal and emotional ownership, membership and condition. Skill, major force play and skill condenser. merciful frailty, leave behindingness, madness and self-centredness. Foucault and objurgate chasten is a serial familiaration of techniques of observation, educate and the means of somebodys.Where one is subjected to the will of another. Foucault wanted to understand the disciplinary king that is sonant end-to-end alliance. Our opinion and adoption of real(prenominal) norms circulates through our language and politics. Foucault and watch humble is a series of techniques of observation, development and the direction of psyches. Where one is subjected to the will of another. Foucault wanted to understand the disciplinary source that is soft throughout fe llowship. Our trust and espousal of certain norms circulates through our language and politics.Organisational run organisational structures hierarchy, solve tactical manoeuvre much(prenominal) as compliance, surveillance, technology, buckle under and rewards, power to repose the order of business and power to execute. Organisational control organizational structures hierarchy, influence maneuver much(prenominal) as compliance, surveillance, technology, pay and rewards, power to set the agendum and power to execute. weber and systematisation The mould by which nature, society and someone action are know to taste to planning, proficient favorable occasion and rational action weber and RationalisationThe process by which nature, society and mortal action are get the hang to penchant to planning, good procedure and rational action webers fantasys splay of bureaucracy to all areas of life would detain us in an push cage with no escape. It could chew up the tender spirit by regularization all spheres of cordial life. bureaucratism has potential to hamper and dehumanize people. bureaucratism excludes mankind from ratiocination making and association in the performance of consensus, which leads to breathing out of democracy. webers persuasionsSpread of bureaucracy to all areas of life would lag us in an iron cage with no escape. It could husk the human spirit by regulate all spheres of social life. bureaucratism has potential to back up and take down people. bureaucracy excludes public from ending making and booking in the returnion of consensus, which leads to expiry of democracy. The capital of Kentucky shallow (Institute of social research) ( The capital of Kentucky take (Institute of social research) ( Founded to determine critique and reframe the relevance of bolshie feeling for coeval industrial society.Founded to learn critique and reframe the relevance of bolshie vista for contemporary industrial society . They pull together together heterodox reds perfect(a) criticisms of capitalism who debate Marxs design of frugal determinism and supererogatory component part of communist party. They selected part of red thought that they fitted in with the modern world influenced excessly by the trouble of working kinsperson revolutions and go on German nation. Looked at muck weber and Sigmund Freud to require Marxs perceive omissions fire to surpass the limits of positivism, approximative physicalism and phenomenology.They collect together unorthodox Marxists unappeasable criticisms of capitalism who opposed Marxs thought of economic determinism and special voice of communist party. They selected move of Marxist thought that they fitted in with the modern world influenced specially by the disappointment of working class revolutions and go on German nation. Looked at easy lay weber and Sigmund Freud to match Marxs sensed omissions go about to flog the lim its of positivism, in the raw materialism and phenomenology. Marx and victimisationThe supercede determine of a carrefour is unflinching by the beat of wear out necessary to produce it. Marxs position is that piece it is ram that determines the step in pass judgment of commodities, the convince of childbed for wage is not mutually balanced. What is veer is grind power the capacity to work. Marx and Exploitation The commute value of a mathematical product is dogged by the total of campaign necessary to produce it. Marxs position is that dapple it is aim that determines the turn value of commodities, the exchange of exertion for remuneration is not reciprocally balanced.What is interchange is drudge power the capacity to work. Marx and aberration Marx identifies 4 types of role player lunacy under capitalism 1) self- disaffection 2) estrangement from the product of their cranch. 3) disaffection from their species universe 4) estrangement from o thers. 1) dementia of the doer from the work he produces, from the product of his labour the absence of control by the manufacturing business over the product. The product reduces, quite a than expresses the manufacturers humanity, and sustains frenzy by reenforce capitalism. ) insanity of the doer from working, from the act of producing itself change magnitude share of labour. This fragments the arable process into meaningless, and evidently uncorrelated tasks much(prenominal) that the usual preference of labour to work is not one of the fanciful tone ending but implemental and obligate labour. 3)Alienation of the player from other histrions or manufacturing businesss turn every prolific gathering into competitors, climb singular against individual and reduce the social relations between people to economic exchanges or commodities. ) Alienation of the worker from himself as a manufacturer, from his or her species universe objects knowing for use by macrocosm are transform via the capitalist mode of mathematical product into commodities that hulk human. Marx and frenzy Marx identifies 4 types of worker alienation under capitalism 1) self-estrangement 2) estrangement from the product of their labour. 3) disaffection from their species being 4) estrangement from others. )Alienation of the worker from the work he produces, from the product of his labour the absence of control by the producer over the product. The product reduces, kind of than expresses the producers humanity, and sustains alienation by reinforce capitalism. 2)Alienation of the worker from working, from the act of producing itself change magnitude component of labour. This fragments the fertile process into meaningless, and plain uncorrelated tasks such that the general orientation of labour to work is not one of the creative spark but implemental and force labour. )Alienation of the worker from other workers or producers turn every racy g roup into competitors, climb individual against individual and cut down the social relations between people to economic exchanges or commodities. 4) Alienation of the worker from himself as a producer, from his or her species being objects designed for use by humans are transform via the capitalist mode of production into commodities that dominate humans.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Intellectual Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Intellectual topographic point Law - turn up ExampleThis constabulary provides a theoretical account for protection of levelheaded rights of artists, traders, inventors, and writers among former(a) concourse and institution that micturate original whole shebang. The main(prenominal)(prenominal) purpose of intellect position uprightness is to encourage inventions, delicious expressions, and new technologies, which argon critical ingredients for economical growth. It is informed by the fact that when commonwealth know that their fictive works de while be protected and there is a great surmisal of improvementting from their works, they atomic number 18 much likely to rear their capacities to produce things that prepare new technology, shape beauty in the world, reach out processes much effective and efficient, and crap jobs.2 This part of the melodic theme ordain pore on talented topographic point justness in particular, it ordain focus on a scenario that brings out the aspects of procure which is cover nether the adroit station law. The musical composition will undertake to advise pile on various(a) issues that cerebrate to secure law. throng is face up with level-headed issues that affect to be rivet on and arrogate decisions made regarding the issues to fasten that he gets juristic remedy and he is rewarded for his creative work. Similarly, the advice will help to dupe decisions that will stop up that throng is non short-changed in every way by the parties involved. Discussion From the facts, it nookie be self-collected that James, who is an employee of Farnon and Farnon, a super ex-serviceman practice, is a charismatic go in and as a result has been chosen by a television manufacturer to talk almost animals problems in a weekly serial publication James on favorites, which is a usual series. It can too be poised that while salvage employed by Farnon and Farnon, James writes a playscript co roneted The James Pet Book which concerns underlying pet care. separate of this book are based on guidelines and instructions that had previously been produced and distributed to new vet staff at Farnon and Farnon. However, Siegfried, who is Farnon and Farnons major(postnominal) partner, is necessitateing that the living creature anxiety Guidelines that belong to the vet practice. It is clear that this read is founded on the bedrock of sharp property law that sample to protect the legal rights of an original indite of a book and to ensure that the individual who developed it has benefitted from it.3 On one hand, Siegfried wants Farnon and Farnon to benefit from the procures of the book as he believes that the Animal Care Guidelines contained in the book belongs to the veterinary practice. On the other hand, this seems like a protracted claim on the part of the firm to foray James of his copyrights on the book, probably because he may not be familiar(predicate) with the intellectual property law. Therefore, it is main(prenominal) to put this issue in the legal spot in commit to advise James accordingly to make sure that he is not short-changed. Firstly, it is important to understand what the intellectual property law says about copyright. The James situation go under the copyright a main area under the intellectual property rights. Copyright applies to works which are save in some manner copyright exists in things or items such as dramatic, literary, musical, and artistic works, as well as typographical arrangements, films, and sizable recordings. Copyright gives the pen particular rights that relate to the work, and prohibit actions that are unauthorized. Besides, copyright allows the
Friday, June 21, 2019
Family and Medical Leave Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Family and Medical Leave Act - Research Paper ExampleA1. Addressing the Question of whether it matters that a parent literally had nix to do with a biological shaver in order for the child to wad advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act to care for that parent FMLA provides that every(prenominal) eligible employee is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of work pull to take care of a parent suffering from a medical condition. This leave is usually unpaid and the employees job is protected during this period1. A parent is defined by the FMLA as a foster, step, biological or adoptive parent, including any individual who represented loco parentis to the employee while he or she was a child2. Loco parentis, means where an individual takes the responsibility of caring for the child with which he has no legal or biological connection. However, the FMLA does not cover leave for parents- in- virtue, whereas the military has its own provisions as pertains to the definition of a family3 . With reference to the case scenario illustrated, the employee qualifies to take a FMLA leave to take care of his or her biological parent even if the parent did not take care of him as a child (United States Department of Labor, 2010). However, in the cases of a loco parentis the FMLA outlines other individuals whom an employee is allowed by law to go and see in case of illness or accident. These are individuals who acted as proxy for the child in the absentia of his parents and, thus, qualify to be their parents more than their biological parents. In this case scenario, if the loco parentis and the biological parent to the employee happen to be ill, the law provides for the cover of loco parentis unlike the unavailable parent because this is the person who took care of the employee. However, the employee needs to provide documented evidence that ascertains that the loco parentis actually took care of him or her during childhood (United States Department of Labor, 2010). A2. A Dis cussion as to Whether the size of the business can have any effect on whether employee is eligible for family leave low the FMLA A club that has 50 or more employees is required by the FMLA regulations whether the company is non- profit or profit making private or public. This is since petty(a) businesses have been documented to have employees who are less than 50 during a specific period of time. However, in case the company has had 50 employees in the foregone 20 weeks prior to the current slope in employee number, FMLA requires that the company complies with the FMLA regulation. In case the company has not had 50 employees, the 20 week factor of having a continuous 50 employee is the consideration factor (United States Department of Labor, 2001). Consequently, whether a company has full time or part time workers determines the application of the FMLA. A company that has part time workers is required by the FMLA to provide 12 weeks unpaid leave for an employee either for medic al or family reasons on condition that the employee has worked for at least 1250 hours. This excludes time off and the part time employee needs to have worked for more than 12 months to qualify for this recommendation. Though the leave of part time workers is unpaid, FMLA expects that the company get out continue providing health care benefits for the employee on leave, and consequently restore him or her to his original position once their leave is over (United States De
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual Research Paper
Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual - Research Paper ExampleWe have adopted Vermont Immunization Registry (IMR) at the Family Medical Center, which is a powerful tool to ensure proper treatment and timely immunization. This has helped in saving many by ensuring that the right vaccine is administered to the children (Maciosek et al., 2006). The strength of the offices is also improved since the required time to gather review records of immunization is reduced. When there is a disease outbreak, it is very easy for public health departments to pose those individual at risk by the use of registry. Gap AnalysisAlthough the applied registry is efficient, it is not fully implemented in our Family Medical Centre. task AnalysisLearning how to operate our registry is very important. This is because its computerized application, which is to some extent complicated, needs qualified personnel to be able to fill in the data. principle of Importance of ProblemOur healthcare facility is accredited with vaccines for children. Data input should be correctly done to be able to guide on the seize type of vaccine administered and the relevant time to vaccinate. If this is not achieved, there will be a loss of program, and services will not be offered to the public.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
KOREAN HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
KOREAN HISTORY - Essay ExampleFrom the action in these schools, it is evident that literature in Korea was confusable to that in China.Following the military resistance which occurred towards the end of king Uijongs rule and destruction of bad and good were done indiscriminately. Fugitives ran to the mountains and left their ranks and adopted the Buddhistics way of life.(vol 1,pp 198)They believed that their freedom would be gained from the mountains where they stayed for years. For the individuals who wanted to pursue education, Buddhism was the only option. This is because the state was slowly restoring civilian rule and those who wanted to study had nowhere to go. This conduct to the establishment of monastery for monks at this period. In general, early Korean education majorly originated from the Buddhist way of living due to military revolutions which ripped several dynasties apart. If the schools are expanded and the tarradiddle of ancient kingdoms are taught following the relations of the five cardinals, then nobody will be interested in Buddhism.According to Kim Busik, while writing muniment one has to take into consideration factors which motivate the compiling of such piece of work. The factors to be considered are political and ideological. The ideological aspects should be clarified in the lead of the piece of work. The ideological aspect should bring out the clear picture of what the book talks just about. For instance, Kim Busik in his book on Korean history about the kingdoms clearly brings out his motives on knowledge relating to Korea. Kim also requires that written history on a subject should be wholly. This can be shown by concourse of the three kingdom history with an pattern of enabling Korean civilians to have a grasp of their native history. In the written work, according to Kim Busik the compiled work should aim at serving political ends. Kim Busik also emphasized on continuity in a written work. It
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts Essay
Explain how human skin color reflects adaptations to varying amounts of sunlight - Essay ExampleRather, it is something that should be appreciated because it only shows how the human body naturally adjusts to the environment. It is believed that Africans and other races with similar skin color have darker coloration because of more melanin that the body produces as an effect of the warmth of the sun. Melanin is the pigment that determines skin color. When a soul stays under the sun, more melanin is produced and therefore creates a darker skin color. That is why, when a white person tans or stays under the sun, there would be a darkening of the skin. The same happens in darker-skinned people but the effect is not as obvious as the one on white people. On the contrary, dusky people who stay longer in colder places tend to have fairer skin than other people of the same race who live in warmer places. Since they ar not often exposed to the sun, there is no need for more melanin so th ey tend to have lighter skin color
Monday, June 17, 2019
Governance of the EU (exact title see instruction) Essay
Governance of the EU (exact title see instruction) - Essay ExampleAccession of the EU to ECHR seems to bring ab fall out assorted legal consequences in protection of human rights. It makes the EU to be a contracting party to the ECHRThe Court of Justice is a principal institution with the type of application and interpretation of the treaties law. It ensures all extremitys and organizations properly follow the law. The court upholds respect for universal human rightsThis essay gives in-depth analysis of the Organization of Europe as the withstander for fundamental freedoms for issues herein. Accession to ECHR by EU is analyzed and looks at the Charter of Fundamental Rights and its role in protecting human rights. The essay looks at the suitability of the Court as the key to guard freedoms and the challenges it faces.The paper discusses the relationship between the ECJ and the ECHR and enforcement of the Charter on Human Rights and the problem it solves. Materials that will be use d argon Conventions in the EU case laws an appropriate article and books as reference sources.The Charter on Human Rights has political, economic, and social rights for citizens. The European Convention drafted it but its fairness was uncertain until the entry of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. The EU is required to legislate consistently with the charter and courts. It applies to its member states, the EU, and the institutions.The charter is enforceable in its member states in implementing union laws and guidelines. This charter is central to the law in Europe and its rights are enforced by the CJEU and before national courts. All rights set out in the charter are enforced by the court that is in Strasburg. It has power to hold states accountable when they fail to protect or fulfill their obligations and rights as stipulated in the convention. This particular court has 47 judges where each comes from each member state. When an individuals rights are violated they
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Primary and Secondary Sources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Primary and Secondary Sources - Coursework ExampleLincolns Gettysburg Addressis an example of a principal(a) source.Meanwhile, secondary sources are materials that digest, analyze, mensurate and interpret information contained within primary sources or other secondary sources.Examples of these are books and articles (Henderson, 2011, n.p.).In using primary sources to make a background look backward of a study, one of the main advantages it provides is reliabilityas it serves as the original source of information of the topic.Primary sources also avoid the problem encountered in secondary sources, where new author may distort and put their own spin on the findings of prior cited authors. Government records such as census are classified as primary sources and it provides an finished and unbiased description of events.Choosing the right source whether primary or secondary sourcedepends upon the author themselves as both of the sources may have benefit and disadvantages. To sum it u p, primary sources give raw data while secondary sources help to understand primary sources, thus these both types of sources can be of equal importance in the conduct of a
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Company law, study case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Company uprightness, study case - Essay Example1 Thus, in Rolled Steel Products (Holdings) Ltd v British Steel Corporation the repugn transaction was not held to be void. The court came to this decision as the transaction was not wholly beyond the capacity of the association.2 The directors of a private company with merely one class of shares are permitted to allot the same class of shares. In addition, they can convert securities into such shares. 3 Moreover, such directors can grant rights to salute to such shares. However, these share allotment activities are subject to the prohibitions of the Companies Act 2006. 4 In all other instances, share allotment is permitted to the directors of the company, single if there is unique(predicate) authorisation to do so by the Articles of Association of the company or there is a company resolution to that effect. Such authorisation has to specify the maximal number of shares that can be allotted under the authorisation. 5 As such, dir ectors are instrumental in decision making and other critical functions of the company. The law relating to conflict of interests is intricate, and the director of a company should seek legal advice in this regard. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the companys constitution provides the required sureness to a director in a specific situation. 6 However, Section 175 of the Companies Act 2006 does not cover all the functions of the directors. For instance, it does not deal with instances, where a director intends to chip in transactions with his company. This should be permitted by the constitution of the company. Moreover, under the provisions of section 177, the director has to make proper disclose to the board of the company. 7 There should be proper flow of information to the directors of a company. This is indispensable for the proper and efficient functioning of the company. As such, it is obligator for the company board to ensure that the directors have a proper flo w of information. This is essential, as there is a statutory obligation on directors to take into consideration particular matters at the time of pickings decisions. 8 Companies formed prior to the enactment of the Companies Act 2006, can acquire the same status regarding the issue of shares, by resolving to excise the clause relating to authoritative share capital from their articles of association. In addition, these companies should resolve to bestow upon their directors the powers granted under section 550 of the Companies Act 2006.9 Companies formed under the Companies Act 2006 are not extra with regard to the number of shares that they can issue. 10 Section 550 of this Act provides that in the absence of a specific prohibition in the articles of association, the directors of a company with only one class of shares are at liberty to allot shares without requiring the authorisation of the shareholders.11 In addition, section 550 of the Companies Act 2006 empowers the allotment of shares by the directors of a private company that has only one class of shares. Such allotment of shares does not require prior authority from the members of the company. Furthermore, this power can be precluded or restricted by the members, via the Articles of Association of the company.12 In our problem, Ben and Holly realized that the Kingdom Ltd company would not be in a position to grow without the obtention of further financing for
Friday, June 14, 2019
Where Gay Rights will be in 20 years Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Where Gay Rights will be in 20 years - Essay ExampleHowever, steady improvements have been ascertained over the years indicating that the civil and human rights of braw men and lesbian women are improving. However, with the federal governments slow response and interventions whenever progress is made, indicates that we index be a long way off from granting gay men and lesbian women equal protection of the law. It is expected however, that those rights will gradually change and in twenty years from now, the rights, freedoms and protection of gay men and lesbian women will be virtually, but not entirely complete. History of Gay Rights When the Americans With Disabilities Act was enacted in 1990, then President Bush described the Act as an Historic new civil rights Act (Burgdoft, Jr. 1991, p. 413). The Act promised to ensure that all Americans with disabilities would be accorded equal opportunities for employment and doors previously shut to them would be opened (Burgdoft, Jr., 1991). However, the civil rights ambit of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 is questionable. The Act does not extend its protection to a soma of individuals. Among the notable exclusions are homo fireuals, transvestites and bisexuals (Americans with Disabilities Act 1990). ... the federal government and thus expressly prohibits secretion on the basis of gender, national origin, religion, race or color (Title heptad Civil Rights Act 1964). Implicitly there is no right to expect equal treatment on the basis of sexual orientation and therefore gay persons may not rely on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 to seek remedies against discrimination based on their sexual orientation. In fact, the US Supreme Court has said as much (Williamson v A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc, 1990). The right to equal protection and equal treatment in employment by homosexuals and lesbians has been denied on the basis that bills intending to amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to include homosexuals an d lesbians have not been passed (Blum v Gulf Oil Corp. 1979). A similar point is taken with respect to Title 42 USC 1981 and 1985 which protects against discrimination in employment by non-Federal employers (Title 42 USC 1981 & 1985). Courts have consistently rejected claims founded on claims of employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (De Santis v Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 1979). Gays in the US have also been denied the advantages and benefits that emanate from marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act 1996 states that its finding is to define and protect the institution of marriage (Defense of Marriage Act 1996). Pursuant to the Defense of Marriage Act 1996, marriage is defined as a well-grounded union between one man and one woman (Defense of Marriage Act 1996, Section3). Moreover, no state is obliged to accept a same sex marriage legalized by any other state (Defense of Marriage Act 1996, Section). Section 2 of the Defense of Marriage Act 1996 is apparently unco nstitutional. The Full trustfulness and Credit Clause of the US Constitution requires
Thursday, June 13, 2019
What do you understand by the notion of a learning community Essay
What do you understand by the notion of a culture community critically examine how learning communities facilitate effective learning - Essay ExampleIn this essay, the versatile views and their effectiveness is also explored with relation to Dynamic Community encyclopedism and different views from various studies relating to psychology, cognitive learning and teaching by different authors.It is observe that community learning as a tool for learning is gaining popularity and the various advantages in a hard and innovative environments at both the educational institutions and the modern workplace can gain immensely from this approach. While Instructional purpose focuses on the learning, the Dynamic Community Learning approach focuses on the self-paced learner needs.Different books and journals have been studied to understand the use and effectiveness of dynamic learning communities in educational institutions as well as corporate workplaces. To learn a particular skill or research a particular report of interest, the concept of learning communities has enabled an understanding of the complex process of contextual and situational learning. As against the traditional learning method of instructional design learning where learning is subordinate on the effectiveness of teaching by the instructor, dynamic learning offers a range advantages that are found to be more in favour of the complex contexts that learning has to be based to arrive at unique and innovative solutions. The positive and negative aspects of dynamic learning communities and their approaches towards effective learning are observed by studying the various observations by Psychologists, Educators and other authors. According to Carnell and Lodge, it is observed that in community learning the various multi-dimensional needs of the learners are considered and catered to, for effectiveness in the learning outcome. Learning itself is dependant on the problem context, and the problem, approach and th e outcome change within
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Moon Gods and Goddesses in Mythology across Cultures Essay
Moon Gods and Goddesses in Mythology across Cultures - Essay ExampleThe different mythologies that have focused their worship feelings on the moon include Aboriginal mythology (Daramulum), Ainu mythology (Chup-Kamui), Akkadian mythology (Enzu, Sin), Arabian mythology (Illat, Hilal, Hubal, Sin, Talab, Wadd), Aztec mythology (Coyolxauhqui, Metztli, Tecciztecatl), Babylonian mythology (Sin), Basque mythology (Ilazki), Cahuilla mythology (Menily), Canaanite mythology (Jarih, Nikkal), Celtic mythology (Gntia, Lair bln), Chibcha mythology (Chia, Chie), Chinese mythology(Change or Heng O. unlike in other cultures, in Chinese mythology moon represent the place where fairies and immortals live), Dahomean mythology (Gleti), Elamite mythology (Napir), Egyptian mythology (Chons, Thoth), Etruscan mythology (Losna), Greek mythology (Artemis, Hecate, Phoebe, Selene ), Hattic mythology (Kaskuh), Hindu mythology (Anumati, Chandra, Nandi, Prajapati, Ramachandra, Shiva, Soma, a famous Indian devotee M ira use to cry a lot seeing the moon since it reminded her about Krishna/God), Hurrian mythology (Kusuh), Incan mythology (Coniraya, Ka-Ata-Killa, Mama Quilla), Indonesian mythology (Dewi Shri, Silewe Nazarate), Inuit mythology (Alignak, Igaluk, Tarquiup Inua), Japanese mythology (Marishi-Ten, Tsuku-yomi), Kachin mythology (Shitta), Latvian mythology (Meness), Mandjindja mythology (Kidili), Maya mythology (Ahau-Kin, Ixbalanque, Ixchel, Itzamna), Mochican mythology (Si), Navaho mythology (Yolkai Estasan), Norse mythology (Brunhild, Mani), Orokolo mythology (Papare), Pagan rituals in Medieval Italy (Madonna Oriente), Palmarene mythology (Aglibol), Pawnee mythology (Pah), Persian mythology (Mah, Mao), Philippine mythology (Mayari), Phoenician mythology (Nikkal), Phrygian mythology (Men), Polynesian mythology (Avatea, Fati, Ina, Hina-Kega, Hina-Uri, Lona, Mahina, Marama, Sina, Ul), Pygmy mythology (Arebati), Roman mythology (Diana, Luna), Semitic mythology (Terah), Seran mythology (Dapi e), Slavic mythology (Myesyats), Sumerian mythology (Nanna, Ningal), Sumu mythology (Ud), Thracian mythology (Bendis), Tupinamba mythology (Ari), Ugaritic mythology (Nikkal), Urartian mythology (Selardi), Vodun (Kalfu). Greek mythology is a valuable collection of narratives of Greek God, Goddesses, heroes, and heroines (Kerenyi, 1951). In the Greek mythology, Selene or Lunar was an ancient lunar deity, and was sometimes described as Artemis. Titans Hyperion and Theia are the parents of Selene. Helios, the sun is the brother of Selene. Eos, the Goddess of dawn is the sister of Selene. The journey of Selene begins when the earth turns dark at night. The story tells that Eos carried dour a human lover Cephalus (Burkert, 1985). The story also narrates that Selene loved a shepherd, or otherwise named Endymion. The man was so handsome that Selene asked genus genus Zeus to make him immortal so that they wont ever depart. Endymion made a decision to live forever in sleep. Thus, Selene and Endymion had fifty daughters. The story adds that Selene and Zeus had a daughter called Pandia (full moon). Hecate, originally a Goddess of the wilderness and childbirth is today seen as a Goddess of witchcraft. She had her connotations as a Goddess of sorcery and played the role of big businessman of Ghosts. The title, Queen of Ghosts with Hecate has its in-depth association with the then prevalent belief that she can prevent the occurrence of harm
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Film Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Film Studies - Essay ExampleThe take on Amistad provides an accurate depiction of slavery in the North prior to the 1865 time line (Jones 14). Slavery in the US was a manner of slave labor that existed as a permissible springer since the early colonial period. Pursuant to the American Revolution between the year 1775 and 1783, northern states abolished slavery. Congress subsequently abolished slavery in the Northwest Territory. Slavery in North gained momentum after 1800 with the advent of the cotton industry before expanding to the Southwest. This resulted in the establishment of a slave and Free State system. In malice of this, the US law il ratifiedized the international export and import of slaves in the year 1807. By the mid 19th century, the South vigorously defended slavery, as well as its expansion into other territories. In the North, however, a minute number of abolitionists condemned slavery as sinful, while a large number of anti-slavery movements denounced slavery as reproachful to the rights of free individuals. States attempted and failed to reach a compromise, and in the year 1861, eleven states disentangled to establish the Confederate States of America. In order to defeat the Confederacy, in 1862, the conjugation made abolition of slavery the main agenda, which the Union attained in 1865 (Jones 29). During this period, slave owners freed all slaves but did not receive any compensation. through the system, personal chattel slavery became the dominant system in which ownership of slaves entailed the ownership of an individual and all of his or her descendants. The chattel system encompassed a racial element as slaves were predominantly blacks of African descent, while the owners were largely whites. Freedom from slavery was only possible by running away or being dis supercharged by the owner. The film, Amistad depicts this phenomenon as slaves aboard the vessel sought to run away from their owners. Amistad is a historical drama film base d on the true events of the 1839 uprising in which newly captured African slaves took over the La Amistad ship off the Cuban coast under the leadership of Joseph Cinque (Jones 21). Directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1997, the film paints a picture of the slavery menace that engulfed North America in the 18th and early 19th century. The film follows the story of Cinques deportment through his recurrent flashbacks. Of paramount importance is Cinques capture in Africa and journey to the Caribbean Islands through the infamous Middle Passage slave vessel called Tecora. Cinque shows the horrors engulfed in the Middle Passage like the drowning of fifty persons to save rations (Jones 37). Cinque recounts that, after their arrival at the Caribbean Islands, his unlawful sale to the owners of La Amistad ensued. Through Cinques flashbacks, the film accurately depicts the occurrences of the slave trade and slavery, showing how trade in Africans occurred like in commodity such as stra pper and crops. Through Cinques experiences, the audience appreciates the events of the slave trade and slavery and understands the pushing force for the establishment of US antislavery laws. The film goes further to describe the legal battle that ensued after the recapture of the African slaves on the La Amistad by a US revenue cutter. The legal battle entailed the group of African slaves charged with murder and mutiny and who received
Monday, June 10, 2019
Is mass migration more of a threat or a benefit to European host Essay
Is muckle migration more of a threat or a benefit to European soldiers countries - Essay slipThe flows for the non-European region led to a large scale migration to Europe. The increased restrictions on immigration policies have resulted in the increased flow of non-conventional and illegal migrants in to the European nations. The involvement of European Union in the migration policies of the individual member nations has increasingly become necessary and further enlargement in the European Union ground has accentuated this necessity. The flows of migration in both directions have resulted in some major impact on the economies of the host countries in the EU. This paper analyzes the possible effects of the migration as to whether the mass migration results in some benefit or it should be construed as a threat to the nations.People migrate from one coarse or region to another(prenominal) for their own benefits which may include getting a better pay, joining the spouse of parent, to obtain more welfare benefits or for security reasons. Most of the host nations receiving these migrants stand to benefit. For instance, the demand for labour may be met easily when imported from other countries. On some other occasions the same country may export labour to other countries depending on the sparing cycle the country is undergoing and due to the differences in the economies of different countries and labour markets. However whether the mass migration to another country re exclusivelyy benefits the people in the host country is a matter of circumstance prevailing in the host nation. It may be noted that all the international migrants in the recent past to the United States and European Union represent spouses, dependants, relatives, students, asylum claimants for whom there is absolutely no demand in these countries. In any case they do not represent labour migrants. Apart from these there are other illegal and short term migrants who would like to hindrance and i mprove their position by any available avenues. Over the period the economic benefits of labour migration have become less significant and have steady turned negative (Borjas 1996, Wardensjo, 1999). Argument for Economic Interests of Business The first argument that will be put forth in favour of mass migration is the economic criteria involving business interests. However this argument suffers from a lacuna that the business interests that favour mass migration inwards into a country is always of short term genius. Although gentle and immediate access to labor will be preferred rather than the costs involve in training and capital investment for long term, the nature of economic cycle would catch the labour which was essential yesterday totally unemployed today, as has been witnessed with most the factories and mills of Europe. Employers who demand more of immigrant labour could not be blamed for the changed scenario. If the businesses are made responsible for the dealing the w ith the life time cost of these labour immigrants they would obviously reduce their demand for immigrant labour and make long term capital investment. However it must be remembered that the countries can not be just treated as just a association of economic levers but they consist of communities of people who have their own shared values, commitments, identities, origins and aspirations all of which will be affected by mass migration of people.Argument for world-wide Economic InterestMass
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Rights of the Child and the Childcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rights of the Child and the Childc atomic number 18 - Essay ExampleBeing young human beings, children cannot and are not allowed to acquire certain rights that adult humans enjoy. Due to their premature and underdeveloped intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual faculties, they are not permitted by laws to vote, to marry, to engage in sex, and so forth that only fully developed humans are able to responsibly do.It is because of childrens limited power that critics question the capacity of children to have rights. Advocates of the will and interest hypothesis of rights argue that a right is protected choices that only those who are capable of exercising can enjoy (Archard).But, in response to will theorists, it is also payable to childrens limited power that spurred the need to give them a set of special set of rights distinguished from adults. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that childhood is entitled to special veneration and assistance (Article 25). Thi s has entitled them to enjoy a new set of rights that the government of UN member countries should uphold and protect. This is what the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child contains.One of the native violations of childrens rights is child abuse. ... Children suffering from these may experience serious negative effects that would largely impair the growth of an abused child. Low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, injury, criminal and anti-social behavior, delinquency, or even death could from these. Protecting children from impaired development of their faculties provides them the need for a different set of rights that adults should respect.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Customized Learning Theory Essay Example for Free
Customized training Theory EssayEducational techniques bring been round for m both centuries. Through the centuries, teaching techniques have not changed. However, legion(predicate) methods have emerged which has been defined as pedagogyal scheme. Students have many different learning styles that economic aid them learn. Teachers must learn how to teach to include each of the learning styles so each scholarly person learns what they deficiency to know. Teaching scholars with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) fag be very difficult to teach. These scholars need to be active in what they are doing and what they are learning. Using the kinesthetic learning style will help tremendously when teaching a child with ADHD. Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brains major power to receive, process, analyze, or store information. These problems sack doctor it difficult for a student to learn as quickly as someone who is not affected by learning dis abilities. Certain kinds of learning disabilities trick interfere with a persons ability to concentrate or focus and can ca example someones mind to wander too practically. Other learning disabilities can make it difficult for a student to read, write, spell, or solve math problems.Research is being conducted daily to be able to determine which learning theories work for which student. Some students learn better by listening, some by doing and some by hearing. Although, teaching can be dated back to the bible, Proverbs 42 states I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching (Holy Bible, NIV). Romans 127 states that if it is serving, then serve if it is teaching, then teach (Holy Bible, NIV). No matter what a teacher teaches, as long as each student gets what they deserve out of the teaching is the only thing that matters.Learning Theory and its Importance Every teacher has his or her own learning theory. Not every theory is the same. One of the best known learning theor ies in use today is the Piagets theory (Slavin, 2012). Piaget hoped that in that location were four factor ins that lead to a childs modernizement. Children use aids and begin to view how things work which helps the child learn how to do things for themselves. Another factor is that children learn from socializing with other children their age. This gives the child an opportunity to view other childrens behaviors and learn from each behavior.The child will then be able to develop their own patterns and personality. From there, the child can make their own decisions and find out what works best for them. Culture plays a big persona in shipway that affect learning theories. Vygotsky thought of the practice of education as a source rather than a result of the development of cognitive and learning skills. umteen people before Vygotsky believed that people possessed the essential learning ability however, it just needed to be coaxed out. Adolescence is one of the most trying time s for a new Christian.According to Hosseini, Elias, Krauss, Aishah (2010), adolescence is a point in time when an individual makes a choice in their future education, any major life roles, any relationships, and where a child establishes toward long-term goal to work toward to. This proves that it is imperative of having Christian principles of morality integrated into the school systems. Description of an Effective Teacher and Learning milieu Being an efficient teacher takes a lot of determination, understanding and commitment and also considered to be an intentional teacher.When a teacher focuses too much of his or her instruction on one area, other instructional areas could drop. Slavin (2012) states that teaching involves planning and preparation, and the components which make a good teacher are decision making, reflection, application of education research and self-knowledge and self-regulation. Teachers need to be highly qualify according to federal law. The problem was th at a negative impact of the requirement of having highly qualified teacher on recruitment and retention of personnel in rural areas was feared.Leading educators in education and special education have argued that the requirement may correct the already significant critical shortages and attrition rate in rural special education. Another problem that was brought up was the cost to have highly qualified teachers and no extra compensation. Administrators fear that they might not be able to recruit special education teachers who meet the highly qualified standard. This legislation has do an impact on the rural areas of public and private schools.If the standards are set high, then individuals who would want to be teachers would see education as not as attractive as other career options (Courtade et. al. , 2010, p. 10). Everybody knows that there are no two children who learn at the same pace that only an effective teacher would understand this. An effective teacher would use differen t learning styles to help educate each child. Direct instruction and setting objectives are meaning(a) in the classroom. Being able to translate directive instructions clearly and concisely is imperative.An effective teacher wants to make sure the student can understand what is being taught which makes the difference between good and great learning. Being able to effectively deliver educational sensible would allow the students to become confident with his or her ability to learn what is being taught. According to Slavin (2012), poor preservation of lesson plans can have a negative impact on a students mental set. When a teacher has a good lesson delivery, it allows the students to become more confident however, it is necessary that the lesson delivery be given using various delivery methods.During classroom instructions, a student does not only need ample time to learn new material, the student inevitably to review old material that was already taught. Having the time to review and learn new material shows the students how the old and new material goes together and instills the importance of all the material. Homework is a part of a lesson plan that is extremely important. Homework was once thought to be essential to learning and should be mandatory. It was once thought that homework was important and can further a students education more than a student who did not complete the homework assignments.This was contradicted when research was conducted when students were allowed to choose whether or not they wanted to do homework. Results showed that the group who did not do the homework outperformed the students who did the mandatory homework (Gutarts Baines (2010). applied science has become a big part in education. Technology has taken over the ranks for textbooks, emails, information, and paper. Several counties in Virginia have been using iPads and laptops instead of textbooks (Reid, 2011).Digital engine room holds enormous potential for transforming i nstruction (Reid, 2011). The introduction of new technology into the classroom is an important component to help foster a learning environment that will encourage problem-solving and critical thinking (Reid, 2011). However, if a teacher chooses to use any form of technology in the classroom, the teacher needs to be well educated with technology. Some people would think that if a teacher was ill-informed when it comes to figurers, then why teach with them or use computers in a classroom.A teacher may not need to know the ins and outs of technology but he or she must know what websites are trusted, how to surf the internet, send out emails, set up blackboards, and use whiteboards (which can display what is on the computer onto the wall or blackboard). Technology has been very helpful when it comes to distance learning. Distance learning has helped many adults go back to college to get a degree when his or her life does not allow them to go to an actual classroom. Individuals with rea ding disabilities tend to become overwhelmed with reading and other activities during school.A child who cannot read well and is in middle school will not be able to take proper notes because he or she does not know how to write well either. In one landing field, a teacher used an iPad as a tool to help a fifth grade struggling reader with ADHD. The use of the iPad helped the student focus attention, and the iPad also helped the student become more metacognitive in reading. Using the iPad showed an increase of one years growth in a cardinal week period using pre- and post-assessments (McClanahan, Williams, Kennedy, Tate, 2012).The student also gained in confidence and sense of being in control of his learning. While generalizations to other struggling readers with management Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder cannot be made, the success this student experienced suggests that the use of this device is worth serious consideration and research in similar contexts (McClanahan, et. al. , 2012). Learning Characteristics Modalities and energy Grouping Learning modalities are important when it comes to learning and teaching. The three different casefuls of modalities include, optic, auditory, and kinesthetic.According to Anderson (n. d. ), learning modalities are the sensory channels or pathways done which individuals give, receive, and store information. Perception, memory, and sensation include the notion of modality. Approximately 25-30% of students are visual learners (Anderson, n. d. ). Visual learners are those who learn by seeing (Anderson, n. d. ). Approximately 25-30% of students are auditory learners (Anderson, n. d. ). Auditory learners are those who must hear what he or she hears to really understand it. Approximately 15% of students are tactile or kinesthetic learners (Anderson, n. . ). tactual or kinesthetic learners need to feel and touch and get a better understanding if movement is involved. However, students can have mixed modalities which inclu de visual and auditory, visual and kinesthetic, and auditory and kinesthetic. There are about 25-30% of students who have mixed modalities (Anderson, n. d. ). Learning modalities are important but it is not the only thing that helps the students. Teachers need to be prepared in their subject and need to be knowledgeable in the area they are teaching.Just because a teacher is knowledgeable, does not make them an intentional teacher and does not make them knowledgeable in writing lesson plans. If a teacher does not know how to deliver the knowledge to the students, the students are not going to learn as much as they should. When a teacher makes a lesson plan, it helps the teacher to be prepared and helps the teacher know how to convey much needed knowledge to the students. The concept of ability grouping goes along with learning modalities. Ability grouping allows students to group together based on their ability to learn.Ability grouping allows students of higher level to be grouped with high achieving students. Ability grouping also allows students of get off level to be grouped with lower achieving students. This type of grouping makes the assumption that the teacher will be able to teach the students based on the same level. This causes a problem because it can cause the lower level students to fall further being the higher level students because they are not taught the same things and the same ways. Personal ReflectionWhen conducting the Learning Styles Profile on myself, it made me aware of my learning styles which is that I am a more of a visual learner than anything but I feel that I am more of a kinesthetic learner so I would classify myself as having mixed modalities. Just watching something being done would not go on my attention but if I watched something being done while I was doing it, then I would have a better understanding. I would use this as part of my theory because an effective teacher has to have something for everyone.An effective teache r would have instructions for the auditory, visual and kinesthetic students so that each student can learn his or her own way. When conducting the Philosophical Methodology of Learning Profile, it showed that I scraped highest and I have strong feeling in progressivist, and traditionalist methodology. My lowest score was actually a negative score and that was in socialist methodology. Inasmuch as I am an extreme progressivist, not all of it is true. I believe that everything has to have a point and to be proven but that does not mean that I deny the existence of God.I really believe that in the state-of-the-art mode the teacher becomes the facilitator or the director of learning, while the student becomes the center of focus as an individual. I believe that school revolves around the children. I believe that if a teacher looks at a class as a whole and not individuals, the individuals who need help will not get it. A child with special needs slips through the cracks all the time, and in my opinion, that is not acceptable. The supervisor of learning can direct the learning from different perspectives ultimately considering the needs of the individual.An experience centered approach stems from this philosophical methodology using projects, cooperative group activities, and critical thinking and problem solving, decision-making skills. Getting children to work together as well as separately will help the children get ideas off of other students. This way, the student will know if they need extra help in a certain area and can ask for help when needed. Conclusion Each child learns differently. Each teacher has to have his or her own theory on what would work in his or her classroom. Schools are for learning and teaching promotes learning, but learning also takes place through experience and individual study (Van Brummelen, 2009, p. 13). A teacher must trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 35). Inasmuch as educatio nal theories have been around for centuries, times change, the way that teachers educate students will change, and the way children learn will change. Teachers must adapt to the New Age which includes many forms of technology and new learning theories.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Holistic and Comparing Is the Methods of Assessments Essay Example for Free
Holistic and Comparing Is the Methods of Assessments EssayWrite a statement explaining how you plan discernment with learners including planning for holistic assessments and canvass assessment methods and adapting methods to meet individual needsAs assessment or evaluation is a method of judging the performance of an individual learner, therefore a written record of tar bulges should be written place so that a learner knows what is expected of them and by when it should be achieved. The assessment method should allow the prospect for reflection as each stadium of development is completed. It is a valuable source of information which can be used to help learners take maintain of their learning.When I first go out to visit a learner within the care sector I first establish if they know what their pattern entails any previous learning they already have. A discussion on their job role is also import at this time.I then get the learner to participate in a learning styles diagn ostic in order to establish how they learn best, so that when it comes to providing help and support within their qualification, I can ensure that I provide the information in a manner which best suits their learning needs.I would also get them to take a maths and English diagnostic if they need to do the key skills or functional skills part of the framework. By doing this I can again square up out areas which need further development and areas which they are competent in.The information I have gathered here I would place onto their annex A ILP, stating how I would best support them with their learning, i.e.- booklets or discussions on problem topics.My next step would then be to carry out a skill scan with them to bring out which parts of the Diploma framework they participate in and how confident they are in carrying them out. By doing this we can ascertain what areas of the NVQ would be suited to a particular learner. This information would again be added to the learners Annex A ILPBy placing all of this information onto the Annex A ILP I can then await at the best way of going about assessing for each criteria taking into account learners individual needs using the best assessment methods for each of the learners i.e.-* running*Observation*Past experiences*Knowledge evidence*Question and answers*Witness assayimonyIt is import to clarify with the learner a safe and valid process of assessment which both assessor and learner are happy with and ensures that it is a suitable method for providing the required evidence needed to hit the required target.By ensuring that a holistic approach to assessment takes place in the planning and collecting of evidence, we can ensure that a wider scope of the frame work can be covered. For example if I go into a care home to observe a personal care activity I may also find that other areas are also covered such as communication moving and handling etc.The assessment method is about assessing whether or not the learner is competent within their field of work, assessing them against the framework set out within the NVQ framework. This can be achieved through using arrange of assessment methods*Test*Observation*Past experiences*Knowledge evidence*Question and answers*Witness TestimonyWith the range and flexibility of assessment methods available to a learner it has the advantage of allowing assessments to be individualised to the needs of individual learners. It also allows assessment to be carried out in a way that is highly individualised to the needs of the candidate, assessor and the area of work being assessed.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Post-modern management Essay Example for Free
Post-modern management EssayIt has always been the goal of man to be able to describe humanity and the piece in which they live in. In doing this, we atomic number 18 inclined to attend for answers, to find resolutions to our needs and problems. Decisions become important and the ability to physical exercise knowledge to make intelligent choices become essential. It is non such a wonder then that through all those years, man has developed countless theories and practices and had reinforced them with countless examples. In the sphere of management and leadership, the conventional approach to things involves a fuddled and tested way of creating solutions. traditionalistic management science, kick upstairs more, involves the use of computational cultivatees to organizational decision making. It starts off with the recognition and definition of the problem in the original world. The ultimate goal then is to find what is needed is to be able to bridge what the present situ ation lacks to what the intended resolution is. It is a beginning of the search for improvement. Conventional methods use an idealized and linear manner to fuse the problem and a known pattern or puzzle to create a soluble model.To make a good intellectual decision, it is necessary to conduct optimization, forecasting, modeling and simulation, and decision analysis. It involves finding out what the best feasible option is, what it entails for the future and what its result would be for varying situations. Models argon used wherein the object is to be able to match a puzzle to represent the problem in the real world. Traditional models such as linear and dynamic programming, queuing, discrete-event simulation and causal models are used and from all of these, ultimately the best decision is made.This discipline has become integrate to the basic field of management and has become a standard for various functions of business. (Whalen, 2001) In the context of marketing, traditional me thods of simplification and reduction to formulae are used. Highly integrated devices, pre-determined market and pit standards are employed to achieve desirable goals. Marketers are the one controlling and driving these goals and therefore consumers respond to this. (McKernon)Robbins, in the article of Summers et al. , notwithstanding reinforces these patterns of cause and effect by relating organizational demeanor through scientific methods. The real world is mirrored by organizational behavior through methods of investigate behavior. (Summers, 1997) Robbins argues that most(prenominal) of the generalizations of man are made on the basis of intuition, not proven facts and thus investigation is needed. Intuition is likened to common sense and that, most of the times, it is inaccurate. Robbins further explains that common sense is different for different groups of people and that investigation tackles diversity. By investigating, managers can better and more precisely handle and predict the behavior of their personnel.This investigation mustiness be coupled with good research especially on the comparison and weighing trade-offs. The use of case studies, surveys, and experiments must be implemented. Robbins further reiterates that generalizations and conclusions must be establish on systematic study, scientific evidence supported by verified data. Organizational behavior knowledge is attained by avoiding intuitive approach and focusing more on knowledge based on meta-quantification analysis and surveys. (Summers, 1997) The leader or manager eventually uses these techniques to properly train the organization and his/her employees.Optimal leadership ultimately depends on internal and external factors. In the organizational behavior perspective, leaders use contingencies such as study culture, gender and race to improve and strengthen the relationship with subordinates. This contingency theory theoretically provides the manager with the capability to indepe ndently make decisions and to do amendments necessary to detect the desired result. Summers et al. , argue that this is a one-sided view. The conventional organizational behavior methods only show how managers can exercise their influence on the workers but not the other way around.Traditional ways involve exploitation and discipline and encourages an ideology of domination. Managers are taught skills in getting workers to accept the status quo, to get before and to get along with others but not to question the game plan. (Summers, 1997) As evident in the deconstruction of Robbins article, Summers et al. propose a de-emphasis on this rigid structure of conventional management. Whalen et al advocate this postmodern view and puts focus on discourses and de-emphasized precise and fixed meanings. With this premise, the dynamic quality in knowledge is established. blue computing is rallied to be a faster, more creative approach to solutions although admittedly, it welcomes inaccuracy a nd ambiguity. In the perspective of knowledge management, however, this postmodern approach provides ways for problem management that cannot be quantified through mathematical computations. Whalen et al. further discuss three types of knowledge approach, creation by means of evolutionary and neurocomputing, deployment through decision support systems, and discovery by data mining, applied virtual(prenominal) reality and data visualization.In neural methods, the model build on gathered data and experimentation and proceeds by the random systematic search. The model is based on a fixed database and relies on the matching that of an existent criterion. With experimentation, on the other hand, the aim is to look for an work on from a set of choices and parameters that would result to the desired outcome. Decision support systems may also use the case-based approach. Knowledge is derived from various case studies and banks on experiential logical system to create the optimal response to a problem.Moreover, data mining utilizes different techniques to look for patterns that associate and correlate various fields of databases. Data visualization and virtual reality applications likewise bring the important contribution of human perception that is irreplaceable by artificial computer simulations. Whalen et al. stress the importance of humanizing the decision process and that the organizations stakeholders are best catered to when managers are able to produce the even up choices that assert the organizations goals and mission.As the world is getting more complex and dynamic, a postmodern stance must be advocated and that this will greatly advance our ability to understand how humans make perception based rational decisions in an environment of imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth (Whalen, 2001) The postmodernism approach also applies to consumer marketing. The media and marketing are important to aid the people in wise to(p) and explaining the things around th em and the events that are occurring. While the consumers are getting smarter, a need for a more suited method arises.In postmodern marketing, the styles of consuming and strategies of the consumer are given more emphasis and focus. In an environment that is mobile and complex, sustainable dynamic techniques must be employed. This approach challenges diversity and creates avenues for discourse among differing people. This is beneficial to managers, employees, consumers, and stakeholders alike. With the right facilitation of information, a brand can reach more of its market and thus generate more favorable returns. Postmodernist approach also banks on the use of critique and story-telling for consumers.Effective stories would be able to connect to the consumer and that its result relies on its ability to provide the consumers with meaning and explanations. Critique, on the other hand, is essential for a brand in that it generates feedback whether it was a success or not depends on th e informed reactions of the users. Reinvention and smooth ever-changing of styles are important techniques in a rapidly changing world. A careful way of guiding the consumers from the familiar and traditional to the contemporary and new must be done with good aptitude. McKernon) It is a fact that the world has increasingly become more complex and ever-changing. At the very least, the knowledge that we have to gain and understand about life in general is much more vast and challenging and that traditional methods and techniques for problem solving, whether in organizational behavior or marketing might actually be lacking in such that they may not be able to solve and explain the entirety of the worlds troubles and unquantifiable conceptions.It is therefore imperative that a healthy swagger of traditional and postmodernist approach to business and management be utilized to be able to grasp more of what the world is telling us. Leaders, employees, customers and stakeholders alike must be able to make informed decisions and take into consideration the various models, theories and practices both old and new for them to make real and objective sense of the world and its organization.
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